join & junct

ROOT-WORDS are JUNCT & JOIN which mean JOIN. This word list is a very fine illustration of the value of knowing the ROOTS to our language. Only the ROOT, JOIN of the whole list can stand alone. All the twenty words are built up by the ROOTS which are joined together. Fifteen ROOTS are represented in this list. Twelve of them you have learned formally, each on its own page. Good going!

1. Junction : JUNCT ion (junk’ shun) n.

Act of joining; place of meeting

2. Juncture : JUNCT ure (junk’ chur) n.

A joining; a concurrence of circumstances

3. Junctive : JUNCT ive (junk’ tive) adj.

Tending to join

4. Adjoining : ad JOIN ing (aj join’ ing) adj.

Attached; as, adjoining houses

5. Adjunct : ad JUNCT (aj’ unkt) n.

Something added; someone who assists another

6. Adjunctive : ad JUJCT ive ( ajunk’ tiv) adj.

Tending to join together

7. Adjunctive : ab JUNCT ive (ab junk’ tiv) adj.

Tending to dissever

8. Conjoin : con JOIN (kon join’) v.

Unite; as, conjoin in wedlock

9. Conjoiner : con JOIN er (kon join’ er) n.

One who or that which is brought together

10. Conjunctive : con JUNCT ive (kon junk’ tiv) adj.

Tending to join together

11. Conjunction : con JUNCT ion (kon junk’ shun) n.

A part of speech which joins words or sentences as, in one and two, and is a conjunction

12. Conjuncture : con JUNCT ure (kon junk’ chur) n.

A coming together; as, a conjuncture of events

13. Conjunctiva : con JUNCT iva (kon junk tie’ va) n.

The mucous membrane which lines the inner surface of the eyelids

14. Conjunctivitis : con JUNCT livitis (kon junk ti vite’ is) n.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva

15. Disjoint : dis JOIN t (dis joint’) v.


16. Disjunctive : dis JUNCT ive (dis junk’ tiv) adj.

Tending to separate; to disjoin

17. Enjoin : en JOIN (en join’) v.

To lay an order upon; to command; to forbid; as, to enjoin by oath

18. Enjoinder : en JOIN der (en join’ der) n.

That which is enjoined, or forbidden

19. Injunction : in JUNCT ion (in junk’ shun) n.

Act of enjoining; a restraining order

20. Interjunction : inter JUNCT ion (in ter junk’ shun) n.

A mutual joining

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