Ask Your English Teacher

Our team of English Teachers is waiting to answer the questions that you may have regarding the usages and structure of English language.They will answer all types of questions :
Grammar, Structure, Etymology, Choice of Words,Prepositions, Pronunciation,Literature etc...

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  1. What is the opposite of the word henpecked?
  2. Ready to Rumble : What does this mean?
  3. How to improve My Fluency?
  4. What is the meaning? Thanks. But No Thanks.
  5. What is the difference between Missive and Letter?
  6. What is the orgin of the word Magazine?
  7. What is the meaning of Modus Vivendi?
  8. Is there a difference between These Two Sentences?
  9. How is the word Behoove Pronounced?
  10. What is the meaning? Not to Put Too Fine a Point on It

  11. What is the difference between Take Care Of and Take Care?
  12. How is the word Malfeasance pronounced?
  13. What is the difference between Among and Amid?
  14. Does the word W00T exist?
  15. Scared Of Taking Injections. Is there a world for it?
  16. What is the meaning of this word Jejune?
  17. What is the difference between Collaborate and Corroborate?
  18. Is it okay to say Write Me?
  19. What is difference between Flammable and Non-Flammable?
  20. The meaning and origin of : Take a leaf out of someone’s book.

  21. What is the meaning of this word Yore??
  22. What is the difference between Immoral and Amoral??
  23. What is the meaning of This Phrasal Verb : Cowed Into?
  24. What is the difference between While and Whilst?
  25. Is the phrase Free ATM Withdraws grammatically correct?
  26. What does this phrase mean Put their money where their mouth is?
  27. Came Out With Guns Blazing : What does this expression mean?
  28. What does the expression Ready To Rumble mean?
  29. Which is correct? Deter To or Deter From
  30. What is the meaning of Eater’s Coma?

  31. Nuptial : How is this word pronounced?
  32. Dead to the world: What do you mean by this phrase?
  33. What is the Difference between the following two sentences?
  34. What is the Difference between these two sentences?
  35. Sotto Voce : How is this expression pronounced?
  36. Behove : How is this word pronounced?
  37. Ombudsman : What is the meaning of this word?
  38. Alma Mater : Can this word be used to refer to one’s school?
  39. Eleemosynary : What is the meaning of this word?
  40. Call On and Call At : What is the difference?

  41. She has all her Marbles : What does this sentence mean?
  42. The Domestic Engineer is out of town : What does this mean?
  43. Square Peg In A Round Hole : What is the meaning of this phrase?
  44. Discuss about something : Is it ok to say this?
  45. Extinguish and Extinct : What is the difference?
  46. Let Your Hair Down : What is the meaning and origin of this phrase?
  47. Drought and Draught : What is the difference?
  48. Spill The Beans : What is the meaning of this phrase?
  49. Infant and Toddler : What is the difference between these two words?
  50. What is the origin of the word Denim?

  51. Humor Me : What is the meaning of this phrase?
  52. Finale : What is the meaning of this word?
  53. Bellyache : What does this word mean?
  54. What is meant by the phrase Game Face?
  55. What is the meaning and origin of Blurb?
  56. What is the difference between High Commissioner and Ambassador?
  57. What is the meaning of the phrase Steal A March On?
  58. What does the word Displace means?
  59. What is the meaning of Crony Capitalism?
  60. What is meant by this phrase Hotfoot It Home?

  61. What is the difference between Damsel and Spinster?
  62. What is the meaning of Chequebook Diplomacy?
  63. What is the meaning of this word Bangalored?
  64. Is it okay to use this phrase Fatal Accident?
  65. What is the meaning of the phrase Pull The Rug From Under ...?
  66. How is the word Honcho pronounced and what does it mean?
  67. Is there such a word as Auto Dentist?
  68. What is the meaning and origin of On Cloud Nine?
  69. How is the word Exorcism pronounced?
  70. What is the difference between Magazine and Journal?

  71. What is the meaning and origin of Cakewalk?
  72. What is the meaning of the word Affability?
  73. Is it correct to say Come To Here?
  74. What is the difference between Murder and Manslaughter?
  75. What is the meaning of the phrase devil - may – care attitude?
  76. How should I increase my English Vocabulary?
  77. Is it ok to say, Irregardless of what you say, I plan to marry him?
  78. What does the expressionGoing Stir Crazy mean?
  79. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  80. How to use Each and Both in the following sentences?

  81. How is the verb Absorb In used?
  82. What is the meaning of the expression to Get Someone's Goat?
  83. What is the response to What Have You Been Up To?
  84. What is the difference between believe and Believe In?
  85. To Take Someone Down A Peg Or Two. What does this mean?
  86. Does one Eat or Drink Soup?
  87. What are the Longest Words in the dictionary?
  88. What is the meaning of To Take A Dig At?
  89. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  90. Get Out Of The Kitchen. What does this sentence mean?

  91. What is meant by the phrase Men in Blue?
  92. What does the word Wordrobe mean?
  93. Which form is correct? 1. Deter to … 2. Deter From…
  94. The difference: The Officer Concerned & The concerned officer.
  95. What is the meaning of Storm in Teacup?
  96. Should the word Government be followed by a singular or a plural verb?
  97. What is the meaning of Gandhi's Revenge?
  98. Is it OK to say? Some of the animals have become Extinguished.
  99. What is the meaning of Eaters Coma?
  100. What deos the idiom Grinning Like a Cheshire Cat mean?

  101. In The Doghouse. What does it mean?
  102. What do you call a Group of Peacocks?
  103. Is it correct to say Each and Every?
  104. Is it O.K. to say My Level Best?
  105. My friend claims that the word Latrinogram exists. Is it true?
  106. How do you pronounce Rendezvous?
  107. How do you greet someone on his/her wedding anniversary?
  108. What is the difference between Ache and Pain?
  109. What is the meaning of Stockholm Syndrome?
  110. What is meant by the phrase Band-Aid Solution?

  111. What is meant by the phrase Let It Ride?
  112. What does Knee-Jerk response mean?
  113. What do you mean by the phrase In Your Face?
  114. What is the meaning of Bingo?
  115. Ego Surfing. What is that?
  116. What is the meaning of Hen-Party
  117. WHY DO we say Love All in tennis?
  118. What is the difference between Expire and Die?
  119. When someone says... Should the reply be Not at all?
  120. Bad-mouthing? What does it mean?

  121. What does Fantabulous mean?
  122. What is the meaning and origin of Ding Dong Battle?
  123. What is the difference between Home and House?
  124. What does the abbreviation SWOT stand for?
  125. Is it OK to say Parapet Wall?
  126. What is the Plural Of Computer Mouse?
  127. What is the difference between In The End and At The End?
  128. What is the meaning and origin of the idiom To Bring Home The Bacon?
  129. What is the difference between Kidnap and Hijack?
  130. What is the meaning of Heist?

  131. What is the meaning of Brownie Points?
  132. Why do we call the spare tire that we carry in our car a Stepney?
  133. What is the origin and meaning of the expression To Bite The Bullet?
  134. What is the meaning and origin of the expression Sword Of Damocles?
  135. What is the meaning of Faux Pas? How is the word pronounced?
  136. What is the meaning and origin of the expression By Hook or By Crook?
  137. What is the origin of the expression to Dress To The Nines?
  138. What does Cookie Pusher mean?
  139. What does Worrywart mean?
  140. Can the word milk be used as a verb?

  141. Which is correct?1. He availed the opportunities.2. He availed of ...
  142. How do you pronounce the word Festschrift? What does it mean?
  143. What is the difference between Notorious And Infamous?
  144. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  145. How is the word Vide used?
  146. Could you give some colloquial expressions meaning Gossip?
  147. How is the word alias pronounced?
  148. What is the origin of the word Bootleggers?
  149. When I call someone up, what should I say?
  150. Which of the following sentences is correct? Anyway...

  151. What is the meaning and origin of the expression curates egg?
  152. What is the meaning of tete-a-tete ? How to this word?
  153. What is the Difference Between Spectators And Audience?
  154. What is the meaning of Que sera sera?
  155. What is the difference between Many Friends and Many A Friend?
  156. Which of the following sentences is correct? None of them is...
  157. How is the word collage pronounced?
  158. What is the origin and meaning of the expression To Kick The Bucket?
  159. What is the Question Tag for I am my father's second son?
  160. What is the Difference Between Emigrate And Immigrate?

  161. What is the meaning and origin of the expression Show A Leg?
  162. Why is a person who helps deliver a child called a Midwife?
  163. How is the word Blasi pronounced? What does it mean?
  164. Can I say Excuse me to mean Please wait?
  165. What is the opposite of feminist? Is hominist the right word?
  166. How is the word Creche pronounced?
  167. What is the difference between biannual and biennial?
  168. How to use is and are in a sentence in which neither is used?
  169. Is there a difference in meaning between although and though?
  170. What is the difference between glimpse and glance?

  171. What is the pronunciation of entrepreneur?
  172. WHAT IS the meaning of stay put?
  173. Is it OK to say Join at any day?
  174. How do you pronounce the word manoeuvre?
  175. Dollar demand pushes rupee Further South. What does this mean?
  176. What is the difference between assassinate and murder?
  177. How do you address a Female Mayor?
  178. What is the difference between a Present and a Gift?
  179. What is the meaning of Kangaroo court?
  180. Which of the following sentences is correct?

  181. What is the meaning of Adams ale?
  182. What is the meaning of have the blues?
  183. What is the meaning and origin of the expression wet behind the ears?
  184. What is the meaning and origin of the expression greenhorn?
  185. What is the meaning of geek?
  186. What is the meaning and origin of the expression Pyrrhic victory?
  187. What is the meaning of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
  188. What is the difference between preserve and conserve?
  189. What is the meaning and origin of Pandora's Box?
  190. What is the difference between too and very?

  191. Why people who are left-handed are called southpaws?
  192. What is the meaning of diddly-squat?
  193. What is the meaning of erudite?
  194. Is it OK to say, My cousin divorced last month?
  195. What is the difference between enough and enough of?
  196. How to improve my English?
  197. How to improve my vocabulary?
  198. Between jobs. What does that mean?
  199. Which one is correct? Considered (or) Considered as.
  200. What does the expression the open season on someone mean?

  201. What does the expression shooting from the hip mean?
  202. What does it mean? Like a bump on a log
  203. What's the difference between tiresome and tiring?
  204. Tell me, what's the difference between it's and its?
  205. What does the expression Have my wires crossed mean?
  206. Is it wrong to say, Protest against something?
  207. What is the difference between placebo and panacea?
  208. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  209. What is the meaning of you scared the daylights out of me?
  210. What is the meaning of neck and neck?

  211. What is the difference between compare and liken?
  212. What does darned mean?
  213. Would you please explain the meaning of the phrase many a?
  214. What is the origin and meaning of eavesdropping?
  215. What does the Phrase “scraped the bottom of the barrel" mean?
  216. Horse sense. What do you mean by that?
  217. What does the phrase “sticky fingers" mean?
  218. What does the phrase Hatchet man mean?
  219. What is the difference between these two sentences?
  220. What is the plural of staff?

  221. What is the difference between fairly and rather?
  222. What is the origin of the expression French leave?
  223. What is the meaning of infructuous?
  224. How to use The Present Tenses?
  225. Thumb through an old magazine! What does that mean?
  226. What is the meaning and origin of not be up to scratch?
  227. Which of the following sentences is correct?
  228. What is the correct spelling of whiskey? Is it whiskey or whisky?
  229. What is the question tag to be used for I am a boy?
  230. How do you pronounce Seoul, the capital of South Korea?

  231. How is the word sour pronounced?
  232. How is the word onion pronounced?
  233. What is the origin of the expression lion's share?
  234. Shouldn't it be World Trade Centre and not Center?
  235. One of my teachers keeps telling us to chill out. What does he mean?
  236. What is the difference between corrigenda and errata?
  237. What is the meaning of hogwash?
  238. What is the meaning of the idiom sink your teeth into something?
  239. How is the word dilettante pronounced?
  240. Is it OK to say The whole building shivers when a train goes past?

  241. What is the difference between translation and transliteration?
  242. Is it OK to say, Australia's Northern Territory passed an euthanasia law?
  243. What is the meaning of carte blanche?
  244. What is called Multiple Intelligences?
  245. What is the meaning of the word nee?
  246. How is the word Assuage pronounced?
  247. What is the meaning of categorical inaccuracy?
  248. Is Isabel actually a color?
  249. WHAT IS the difference between unaware and unawares?
  250. Is it O.K to say, what class are you reading?

  251. Why do we abbreviate Example to e.g.?
  252. How is the word Paradigm pronounced?
  253. Is the word Orange a Tamil word?
  254. What is the origin of the word Jeep?
  255. How do you answer someone who says Nice to meet you?
  256. What is the difference between homophone and homonym?
  257. What is the meaning of the phrase apple polishing?
  258. What is the opposite of Utopia?
  259. What is the meaning of the expression to carry coals to Newcastle?
  260. What is the difference between a few and few?

  261. Is not the word media, a plural of the word Medium?
  262. How do you pronounce joie de vivre? What is its meaning?
  263. When someone sneezes, why do people say, Bless you?
  264. WHAT IS the difference between day to day and day by day?
  265. Why is the press often referred to as the Fourth Estate?
  266. What does the word Pejorative mean and How is the word pronounced?
  267. Why do we say an MBBS and an MP?
  268. What is the meaning of volte-face?
  269. What is the meaning of cut off one's nose to spite one’s face?
  270. Could you run that by me again?

  271. What is the meaning of the phrase it turns my stomach?
  272. In English are there words without vowels?
  273. Is the word juggernaut derived from Lord Jagannath-India?
  274. What is the difference between resume and bio-data?
  275. Is it OK to address a person Mr. Rajagopal Esq.?
  276. After a bad cold, the nose looks red and pains. Is there a word for this?
  277. Which is correct? enamoured of ( or) enamoured about?
  278. Why do we say donkey's years?
  279. What is the meaning and origin of to draw first blood?
  280. The difference between figure something out & figure something up?

  281. How is the word poignant pronounced?
  282. What is the meaning of cowboy?
  283. What is the origin of the idiom to put a spoke in someone's wheel?
  284. What is the meaning of downplayed?
  285. What is the difference between all right and alright?
  286. What is the origin of the idiom be hoist with one's own petard?
  287. How is the word flibbertigibbet pronounced?
  288. What is the difference between a housewife and housekeeper?
  289. What is the meaning of gonna and wanna ?
  290. How do you pronounce the word wound?

  291. What is the difference between horrific and horrible?
  292. What is the origin and meaning of the expression dog's breakfast?
  293. Shall we use the word oration only to refer to funeral-speeches?
  294. Can further be used to refer to distance?
  295. What is the meaning and origin of the expression be up to scratch?
  296. How is the word moustache pronounced?
  297. What is the difference between residence and home?
  298. What is the meaning and origin of blue-blood?
  299. What is the meaning of umpteen?
  300. What is the meaning of de-facto?

  301. Which of the following is the correct spelling? Judgement or judgment?
  302. What is the correct pronunciation of research?
  303. Why do we say movie buff and computer buff?
  304. What is the meaning and origin of win something hands down?
  305. Is it OK to say, each and every?
  306. What is the meaning of sell someone short?
  307. What is the meaning of sine-qua-non?
  308. What is the meaning of chock-a-block?
  309. What is the meaning and origin of between-Scylla-and-Charybdis?
  310. What is the difference between a lawyer and an attorney?

  311. What is the difference between aging and ageing?
  312. Do we have to write and in three hundred and twelve?
  313. What is the meaning and origin of fall like ninepins?
  314. Which is correct? The media suggest or The media suggests?
  315. What is the origin of the expression to give someone an evenbreak?
  316. What is the difference between despise and hate?

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The answers to theses questions were taken from THE HINDU a news paper from INDIA.

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