This ROOT-WORD is LEG meaning LAW from the Latin lex & legis. An odd thing is that lex is used only in Latin phrases, like lex mercatorum - Commercial Law. In the list all the words are with LEG and LEGIS. Please note No. 8, a verb, with the accent on the 2nd syllable. No. 7 is a noun and accent is one the first syllable. Notice No. 20, where il is an assimilated in before legal. For the sake of euphony, remember?
1. Legal : LEG al (lee’ gal) adj.
Lawful; according to law; as, legal holiday
2. Legalism : LEG alism (lee’ gal iz um) n.
Strict adherence to the law
3. Legalistic : LEG alistic (lee ga lis’ tik) adj.
Strictly according to law
4. Legality : LEG ality (le gal; it ee) n.
The quality of being strictly legal
5. Legalize : LEG alize (lee’ ga lize) v.
Make lawful; as, legalize citizenship
6. Legacy : LEG acy (leg’ a see) n.
A gift of property left by will; an inheritance
7. Legate : LEG ate (leg’ at) n.
A delegate; an official messenger; an ambassador
8. Legate : LEG ate (le gat’) v.
To bequeath a legacy
9. Legatee : LEG atee (leg a tee’) n.
The one to whom a legacy is bequeathed
10. Legator : LEG ator (le gate’ or) n.
One who bequeaths the legacy
11. Legist : LEG ist (le’ jist) n.
One skilled in law; jurist
12. Legislate : LEG islate (lej’ i slate) v.
To enact a lay; to cause to become a law
13. Legislative : LEG islative (lej’ i slate iv) adj.
Having the power to make a law; as, legislative assembly
14. Legislature : LEG islature (lej’ i slay chur) n.
A body of persons who can make laws
15. Legislator : LEG isolator (lej; i slate or) n.
A member of the legislature
16. Legislatress : LEG islatress (lej i slay’ tres) n.
A female member of the legislature
17. Legislation : LEG islation (lej i slay’ shun) n.
The enactment of law by the legislature
18. Legitimate : LEG itimate (le jit’ i mat) adj.
Legal; according to the law; as, legitimate business
19. Legitimize : LEG itemize (le jit’ i mize) v.
Make legal
20. Illegal : il LEG al (il ee’ gal) adj.
Unlawful; illegitimate
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