This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix SE which means APART, ASIDE & WITHOUT. This ROOT has an interesting personality, aside from its function as a prefix meaning ASIDE & APART. In Latin SE is the ablative case of SUI and means by itself, apart, aside. Now please look at our list. Nearly every word means exactly that, to be ASIDE & APART. Emily Dickinson, the classic example of a poet who wanted to be by herself, SEquestered herself from society.
1. Seclude : SE clued (si klude’) v.
Set apart; aside
2. Seclusion : SE clusion (si klue’ zhun) n.
State of being shut apart; along
3. Secure : SE cure (si kyur’) v.
Set aside carefully; to protect
4. Security : SE curity (si kyur’ it ee) n.
Condition of being protected; apart from danger
5. Secret : SE cret (se’ kret) n.
A thing apart; hidden
6. Secrete : SE crete (si krete’) v.
To hide away; store away; as, to secrete stolen goods
7. Secretion : SE cretion (si kree; shun) n.
Matter stored away for functional use
8. Secretive : SE cretive (see’ kret iv) adj.
Disposed to keep secrets; as, secretive by nature
9. Sequestration : SE questration (seek wes tra’ shun) n.
Separation; retirement from society
10. Secretary : SE cretary (sek’ re tar ee) n.
One entrusted with secrets; a confidential employee
11. Secern : SE cern (si sern’) v.
Withdraw; to separate oneself from government
12. Secede : SE cede (si sede’) v.
Withdraw; to separate oneself from government
13. Secession : SE cession (si sesh’ un) n.
State of withdrawal from government
14. Sedition : SE dition (si dish’ un) n.
Conduct tending to treason
15. Seditionist : SE ditionist (si dish’ un ist) n.
One who practices acts of sedition
16. Seduce : SE duce (si duse’) v.
To lead astray by fraud
17. Seducive : SE ductive (si duk’ tiv) adj.
Attractive; causing to be led astray
18. Select : SE lect (se lekt’) v.
To choose one from many and set it apart
19. Segregate : SE gregate (seg; re gate) v.
To cut off from the general mass; seclude
20. Separate : SE parate (sep’ a rate) v.
To disunite; to disconnect; to sever from others
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