
Etymology is the scientific study of the origin of words. This etymological study improves your vocabulary.

The strong vocabulary gives you

• a more challenging and rewarding job.

• greater self-confidence in speaking and in writing.

• improved comprehension in all your reading.

• success in your studies.

Etymology is not only a science, but also an art in that the beauty of the building of the words is understood.Convinced that memorizing lists of words is both difficult and unrewarding, we have developed this exclusive page on Etymology,the direct and successful method of vocabulary-building, based on the ROOT-WORDS and the proper Etymology of the ENGLISH words.

In this page on Etymology

• each ROOT-WORD is clearly defined and discussed.

• examples are provided showing the role of the ROOT-WORD in a variety of words.

Etymology is the best method to strengthen our command over English Language.By using your knowledge of familiar words, you will soon master the secret of vocabulary building, starting with the thousands of words in this page.

One ROOT-WORD a day will open the door to mastery of the ENGLISH language. I guarantee that if you learn only the ROOT-WORDS, you will become familiar with thousands of words which we use regularly.Do not try to memorize them. Merely read and understand. Then use the words in your daily conversations and writing.Soon, your vocabulary will expand greatly.Etymology is the best method to strengthen our command over English Language. The Canons of Etymology will make the points clear.

Follow the following procedure.

• Look at the ROOT-WORD.

• Close your eyes and visualize it.

• Look over the list of words.

• Read the brief introductory paragraph.

• Pronounce each word carefully.

• Read the meaning of each word.

• Use those words in your conversations and writings.

The only thing you need remember is the ROOT-WORD.

Click on the particular ROOT-WORD and you will find the Etymology of many words.

|ab | able | abs | ac | acer | acid | acri | ad(to) | ad(result of) | ada | ade | af | ag | age | agi | ago | al | ali | allo | alter | amb | ambi | amphi | an(native)| an(not) | ana | ance | ancy | anni | annu | ant | ante | anthrop | anti | apo | ar | arch | ary | as | asis | aster | astro | ata | ate | aud | aus | aut | auto | be | bene | bi | bin | bio | bis | bon | boun |

|calor| cap | capit | capt | cata | cause | cede| ceed| cep | cept | cess| chrom| chron| cian| cide| circ| circum | civ| civil| cise| claim | clam | clud| clus| cognosc | con | coni| cor | cord| corp| corpor | cour| court | crea| cred| cub| cule| cumb| cus| cuse | cycl | cyclo | di | de | dem | demi| demo| dent| dia| dic| dict| dis | dom | dont| dorm| drome | dromos | duc | duce| duct| dyn | dyna | dynam | dynamo |

|e | ec | ee | ef | en (into) | en (made of) | ence| ency| end| endo| enni| em | epi | er | ery | esis | eu | ex | fac | fact | fect | feal | feder | fer | fic | fid | fide | fila| fili| fin | finis | fix | flect | flex| flu | fluc| fluv| flux| forc| fort| fortuna| ful | fum | fy | gen | ge | geo | germ| gest| gnosi | grad| grav| gravi | gravito| graph | grat | gred| greg| gress |

|hab| habit | helio | hema| hemi| hemo| hydr | hydra | hydro | hyper | hum| human| hypn| hypno| hypo | ian | ible| ic | icle| il | ile| in (not) | in| im (not)| im(into)| ine | intellect| intellig| inter | intra | intro | ion | ir | ish | ism | ist | ite | ity | ive | ize | jac | jec | ject | join| jud | judi| judic | junct | jur | jus| koni|

|laut| lav| |leg | less| liber | lic | licit| ling| lit | liter | litera | letter | liver | loc | loc | loco| log| logo| loqu | loqui | lot| luc | lum | lun | lus | lut| ly | macro | magn | magna | magni | mal | man | mania | manu| mar | mari | matri | matric | matro | medi| mega | megalo | ment| mem | mer | meter | micro | migra| mis | miss| mit| mitt| miso | mob | mon | mono| mons| monstr| monstri| mori| mors| mort| mot | mov | multi | multus | must|

|nasc | nat | neo | ness| neur | non | nounc | nov| number | numer| nunc | nunci | ob | oc | of | oid | ology | omni| op | osis| oss| osteo| pan| para| pater | patr | pel | per | peri| phobia | photo | pict | picto | plac| plais| plu | plur | plus | pneum| pneuma| pneumon| poly| pon | pop | portion| pos | poss| posse| post| poten| potes| poun | pre | prim | prime| pro | puls| opus| oper| or | ory | ous | ped | pen| pend| phil | phila | phile | philo | pod | port| pseudo | punct| put| re | rect | recti | ri | ridi| risi| rog | roga |

|sangui| |sat | satis| |scope | |scrib | scrip | se | semi| sesqui| ship| sign| signi | silic| simil | simul | sion| sist| soph| spec| spect| spectro| sphere| spond | spons | sta | stereo| stet| stit| stru | struct| sub | sum | sume| sump| super | supr | supra | sur | syl | sym | syn | sys | tact| tag | tain| tang| techn| techni| technic| techny| tempo | tempor | ten | tend| tens| tent| tent| test| the | theo| tig | ting| tinu| tion| tra | tract | trah | trans | trib | tui| tuit| tut| tude| ty |

|ult| ultim| ultima| un | uni | ure | vac | val | vali| vale| valu| ven | veni| vent| ver | veri| vers| vert| vest| vic| vicis| vict| vinc| vid | vis | viv | vivi| vita | ultra | voc | volcan| vok | vulcan| y |

See our section on Canons of Etymology.

To enrich your vocabulary further, click here. Etymology to HOME PAGE

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