Would give your right arm for :
Out of the ark
Extremely old-fashioned
The ark referred to is the biblical Noah's ark (Genesis 6-7) in which Noah endeavoured to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood.
A call to arms
A call to make ready for confrontation
Cost an arm and a leg
Be extremely expensive – informal
Give an arm and a leg for
Pay a high price for
Keep someone at arm's length = Keep something at arm's length
Avoid intimacy or close contact with someone or something
The long arm of coincidence
The far-reaching power of coincidence
The long arm of the law = The strong arm of the law
The police seen as a far-reaching or intimidating power
As long as your arm
Very long – informal
Put the arm on
Attempt to force or coerce someone to do something - North American informal
Up in arms about
Protesting angrily about something
1994 - Asian Times - A lack of checks and balances or legal redress for workers have trade unions up in arms.
With open arms
With great affection or enthusiasm
Would give your right arm for
Be willing to pay a high price for
Greatly desire to have or do – Informal
An armchair critic = armchair traveller = armchair politician
A person who knows about a subject only by reading or hearing about it and criticizes without active experience or first-hand knowledge
The phrase armchair critic is first recorded in 1896, but the concept was around at least a decade earlier
In 1886 Joseph Chamberlain sneered at opponents as armchair politicians. Another common variant is armchair traveller, meaning someone who travels in their imagination only.
Armed at all points
Prepared in every particular
Armed to the teeth
Carrying a lot of weapons
Heavily equipped
Up to your armpits
Deeply involved in a particular unpleasant situation or enterprise - chiefly US
You and whose army?
Used to express disbelief in someone's ability to carry out a threat - informal
Have been around
Have a lot of varied experience of the world especially a lot of sexual experience – informal
An arrow in the quiver
One of a number of resources or strategies that can be drawn on or followed
Arrow of time arrow = Arrow of time times arrow
The direction of travel from past to future in time considered as a physical dimension
A straight arrow
An honest or genuine person - North American
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