Will-Power Development

Will-Power Development :

The wretch who constantly says, 'I am bound, I am bound' only succeeds in becoming bound. He who says day and night 'I am a sinner, I am a sinner…” verily becomes a sinner.

One should have such burning faith in God that one can say… 'What, I have repeated the name of God and can sin cling to me? How can I be in bondage any more?'

If a man repeats the name of God, his body, mind and everything become pure. Why should one talk only about sin and hell and such things? Say but once, 'O Lord, I have undoubtedly done wicked things, but I won't repeat them.' And have faith in His name.

This is precisely what we have to do in regard to our past sins… Say but once in true contrition to God of your heart… 'This really I have done. Pardon me. I shall not do so again'.

Then resolve to keep the word given to God. And repeat the name of God. Repetition of Lord's name will give us the power to keep our resolution.

It is, however, more important that we live a wakeful life in the living present with an unencumbered free mind honestly trying to live according to our highest convictions. He who suffocates this moment with the worries of moments that are yet not, is doing every- thing possible to make his future fearful. In the heart of this moment is eternity!' said Meister Elkhart.

And if this moment we have lived well, done our best, we may very well leave the rest. For nothing better can ever be done for future than always doing our very best right now.

We may, however, always examine our doing best and trying to find methods of even remembering our best-doing. Worry for the future is a mental disease, the medicine of which is to entirely in this moment with all our powers poised and applied. Those who want to develop will-power must scrupulously avoid living in the past or future and live in the living present. If we live in the present wisely according to our best light, our future can not but be good whatever the astrologers may say…So we should have the tendency to say something positive about over selves repeatedly and that will save us from falling into the trap of negative feelings. By doing this repeatedly some few days, we will recover the habit of thinking positive about us.

More Pages on Will-Power and Its Development :

  • Will-Power and Its Development - 1
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 2
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 3
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 4
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 5
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 6
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 7
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 8
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 9
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 10
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 11
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 12
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 13
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 14
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 15
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 16
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 17
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 18

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