To live in the living present wisely, we require the guidance of a sound sense of values…
We should be able to persuade ourselves that we are not fooling around. We must be
able to tell ourselves in and through whatever we may be doing, that we are gradually but
surely proceeding to the fulfillment of our destiny. This sound sense of values must be
ascertained with due regard for our physical, mental and spiritual needs. Hinduism has ascertained such values to be four… wealth, righteousness, pleasure and liberation of the
For the generality of mankind, physical and emotional starvation is not conducive to
the cultivation of will-power or development of higher life. As starvation is bad, surfeit is
also disastrous. For the fulfillment of our physical and emotional needs, we require
wealth. But if we earn wealth unrighteously, we release some forces which will eventually jump upon us like tigers and that will not be good for our will-power at all.
Hence, both the values of pleasure and wealth have to be obedient to the laws of righteousness or dharma. But this righteousness again shall be inspired by a higher motive which is the attainment of the liberation of the spirit.
When we function in our daily life in accordance with this sound sense of values, we stay protected within a fire-ring of wisdom, as it were, which the evils of life cannot easily penetrate. Then we live in the forceful conviction of living rightly without a trace of guilt sense. It is this guilt sense with or without reason that eats away the roots of will-power. When we live not only without a guilt sense, but positively with a sense of living rightly, we get hold of a power of conviction which releases a new force within us. And this force immensely helps the development of will-power.
Cultivate one power of conviction at least, if you want to develop the will-power. Believe
with your whole soul you are on the right path. Do not doubt everything all the time.
This is not intelligence. Believe in Vedanta, in Ramakrishna or in your own Atman with all your might and you will see how the will-power grows as if from nowhere. One
thing rightly and powerfully done somewhere within oneself will help doing other things
also. That belief will do wonders in your subconscious mind to change all the factors in favour of you.
More Pages on Will-Power and Its Development :
Will-Power and Its Development - 1
Will-Power and Its Development - 2
Will-Power and Its Development - 3
Will-Power and Its Development - 4
Will-Power and Its Development - 5
Will-Power and Its Development - 6
Will-Power and Its Development - 7
Will-Power and Its Development - 8
Will-Power and Its Development - 9
Will-Power and Its Development - 10
Will-Power and Its Development - 11
Will-Power and Its Development - 12
Will-Power and Its Development - 13
Will-Power and Its Development - 14
Will-Power and Its Development - 15
Will-Power and Its Development - 16
Will-Power and Its Development - 17
Will-Power and Its Development - 18
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