Uranus and Neptune

Uranus and Neptune :

The two furthest planets from the Sun are Uranus and Neptune. Uranus and Neptune are both gas planets.

Blue-Green Methane

Both Uranus and Neptune have atmospheres of hydrogen, helium and methane. The methane gives these planets a blue-green colour. Below the atmosphere, both planets have liquid layers of water ice, methane and ammonia around small, rocky cores.


Uranus, its rings and moons all orbit the Sun, tipped on their side. This may have been caused by a collision with another huge object. The result is that each pole on Uranus receives 42 Earth years of sunlight followed by 42 years of darkness.


Neptune, like Uranus, has rings and moons. It has a stormy atmosphere and has the fastest recorded winds in the solar system. These storms may be caused by heat generated within Neptune.

AMAZING FACTS about Our Solar System :

The inner solar system is separated from the outer by the asteroid belt.

The solar system is port of the Milky Way galaxy which is a barred-spiral galaxy.

There were 9 planets in the Solar System until 2006 when the International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto could no longer be considered a plonet due to its size being smaller than our moon.

If all the planets were joined together, the Sun would still be more than 700 times bigger. It contains over 99% of the solar system's mass.

It takes two million years for gamma rays produced in the core of the Sun to reach its surface.

The Sun is the largest object the solar system. It is about 332 950 times more mossive than Earth.

The relationship between the Sun and the Earth drives the seasons, currents in the ocean, weather and climate.

The Sun has been burning for about five billion years and will bum for another five billion.

If you stood on Venus, the atmospheric pressure would be the same as if you were 900 metres underneath an ocean on Earth.

Much of the surface of Venus, including craters, has been covered in lava from previous eruptions.

Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that don't have moons.

Mercury has the greatest variation in surface temperature of any planet in the solar system — can be over 600 degrees Celsius.

Because there is no wind or rain on the Moon, any footprints left by the astronauts should remain for millions of years.

It is thought that Earth was hit by a lorge object and the debris that was ejected into space joined together to form the Moon.

The official Latin name for planet Earth is Terra. It is named after the Roman goddess of fertility and growth - Terra Mater.

The Moon is the only other planet or satellite in the solar system that humans hove set foot upon.

The length of each Martian season is almost twice as long as a season on Earth.

Mars has the least hostile environment of all the other planets in the solar system.

The surface area of Mars is approximately equal to that of Earth's dry land as Mars does not have any oceans.

Mars has two small moons. They have uneven shapes and may originally have been asteroids.

After the Sun, the Moon and Venus, Jupiter is usually the fourth brightest object in the sky.

Saturn is almost exactly the same as Jupiter, just smaller. The only striking difference is the rings around Saturn.

Saturn's rings are thought to be particles of an old moon which was smashed to pieces in a collision million of years ago.

Jupiter is made of hydrogen and helium gases which also make up the Sun. If Jupiter had been any bigger, it could have become a star.

It takes 84 Earth years for Uranus to complete one full orbit around the Sun.

The Kuiper Belt contains many comets, asteroids and other small bodies made largely of ice.

As its orbit is so for from the sun, Neptune receives very little heat - in fact the uppermost regions of its atmosphere are -218 degrees Celsius.

Uranus and Neptune :

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