The rest of the story may be narrated in the words of Ashvaghosha’s Life of the Buddha. Expressed in the language of legends though, the narration brings home the triumph of the will-power with a marvelous impact on human civilization itself. It is said…The Holy One directed his steps to that blessed Bodhi-tree beneath whose shade he should accomplish his search. As he walked, the earth shook and a brilliant light transfigured the world. When he sat down, the heavens resounded with joy and all living beings were filled with good cheer. Mara (the evil spirit) alone, lord of the five desires, bringer of death and enemy of truth, was grieved and rejoiced not. With his three daughters, the tempters and with his host of evil demons, he went to the place where the great shramana sat. But Sakyamuni minded him not. Mara uttered fear-inspiring threats and raised a
whirl-storm so that the skies were darkened and the ocean roared and trembled. But the Blessed One under the Bodhi-tree remained calm and feared not. The Enlightened One knew that no harm could befall him.
The three daughters of Mara tempted Bodhisattva but he paid no attention to them and when Mara saw that he could kindle no desire in the heart of the victorious Shramana, he ordered all evil spirits at his command to attack him and over awe the great muni. But the Blessed One watched them as one would watch harmless games of children. All the fierce hatred of the evil spirit was of no avail. The flames of hell became wholesome breezes of perfume and the angry thunderbolts were changed into lotus blossoms. When the Mara saw this, he fled away with his army from the Bodhi-tree. Whilst from above a rain of heavenly flowers fell and voices of good spirits were heard…Blessed the great muni, his mind unmoved by hatred…the host of the wicked one has not over-awed him.
He is pure and wise, loving and full of mercy.
As the rays of the sun drowns the darkness of the world, so he who perseveres in his search, will find the truth and the truth will enlighten him. Siddhartha having thus put to flight Mara, gave himself up to meditation. And that very night seated on the same seat, he attained illumination and became Tathagata, the Buddha. Such is the magnificent story of the world's greatest triumph of human will-power.
The great options open to all :
None of us is absolutely devoid of will-power. Otherwise, we could not have seen what we are right now. But it remains a fact that whatever may be the varying qualities of our already attained degrees of will-power, the more the will-power directed Godward, the nobler human beings we shall become. And those adventurous souls who will not stay content being noble human beings, will realize the Truth, extending further their will-power. By God s grace so much always stays open to man. How much are we going to take?
More Pages on Will-Power and Its Development :
Will-Power and Its Development - 1
Will-Power and Its Development - 2
Will-Power and Its Development - 3
Will-Power and Its Development - 4
Will-Power and Its Development - 5
Will-Power and Its Development - 6
Will-Power and Its Development - 7
Will-Power and Its Development - 8
Will-Power and Its Development - 9
Will-Power and Its Development - 10
Will-Power and Its Development - 11
Will-Power and Its Development - 12
Will-Power and Its Development - 13
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Will-Power and Its Development - 15
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