The Censorship in the American Society

The Censorship in the American Society :

As society emerges into the twenty-first century, control amongst the people is still evident in the actions sought by both houses of Congress. Individuals, in many cultures, are being sheltered from the controversial issues. By suppressing ideas or themes of materials in which a person does not agree, portrays a false atmosphere of society. When the Congress feels that people do not have the ability to form decisions for themselves, this is where the censorship begins. The issue of censorship is currently being debated concerning the violence on television programming.

Censorship is defined as "the supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society.(Konvitz 1)" Censorship is a form of controlling the members of society. Government leaders and public officials, who believe that literary, artistic, or educational materials are not suitable for the public, take the liberty of eliminating and/or editing it. Censorship amongst the population in the United States of America, regulates the people’s lives, similar to that of a communist country.

The individuals who examine and critique the debatable material, will censor it when they find it objectionable or offensive. Milton R. Konvitz feels that "objectionable material will be considered immoral or obscene, heretical or blasphemous, seditious or treasonable, or injurious to national security(1)." The spirit of censorship seems to exist in the minds of people, the objected viewers, who has the power. There are no standards as to what is unacceptable. If the material has an offending word, arouses a protest or an underlying message conveyed and causes resentment to a person, the material is inadmissible.

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