tend, tent & tens
These ROOT-WORDS are TEND, TENS & TENT which come from the Latin meaning STRETCH & STRAIN. The Latin Root has three spellings - tendo, tensus and tentus. Therefore the English words based on this Root have the three spellings. A very pleasant word for us today is No. 20 on the list. Every relaxation of strained relations in the world gives us a hope for final peace.
1. Intend : in TEND (in tend’) v.
To plan; aim to do; as, I intend to succeed
2. Intendance : in TEND ance (in ten’ dans) n.
Control; management; superintendence
3. Intendancy : in TEND ancy (in ten’ dan si) n.
The office of a manager
4. Intention : in TENT ion (in ten’ chun) n.
Purpose; as, the intention is honorable
5. Intently : in TENT ly (in tent’ ly) adv.
With concentration; as, listening intently
6. Intendment : in TEND ment (in tend’ ment) n.
The true meaning; insight; as, the intendment of the law
7. Tense : TENS e (tens) adj.
Strained; nervous
8. Tension : TENS ion (ten’ chun) n.
Strain; nervousness
9. Intensity : in TENS ity (in ten’ sit ee) n.
Quality of strain
10. Intensify : in TENS ify (in ten’ si fie) v.
Make more intense; strengthen
11. Intensifier : in TENS ifier (in ten’ si fie er) n.
One who intensifies
12. Intensification : in TENS ification (in ten si fi kay’ shun) n.
The state of increased tension
13. Intent : in TENT (in tent’) adj.
Absorbed; earnest; as, intent on the problem
14. Intensive : in TENS ive (in ten’ siv) adj.
Emphasizing; as, the intensive pronoun himself
15. Attention : at TENT ion (a ten’ chun) n.
Concentration upon; as, pay attention to the speaker
16. Inattention : inat TENT ion (in a ten’ chun) n.
Lack of attention
17. Unintentionally : unin TENT ionally (un in tench’ un al ee) adv.
Without meaning to; as, unintentionally rude
18. Distend : dis TEND (dis tend’) v.
Stretch out
19. Detention : de TENT ion (de ten’ chun) n.
The holding back; as, detention in jail
20. Detente : de TENT e (day tant’) n.
Relaxation of strained relations
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