Team Time and Fun Time

Team Time and Fun Time :

When hard times come they sit a spell,

Like kin folk come to stay

A-packin' troubles, pets an' kids

That always get ‘n your way.

It's drought an' flood, an' flood an' drought,

There ain't much in-between.

You work like hell to make ’em good,

But still they’re sorta lean.

The ranch went under late last year,

The drought got mighty tough.

The boss held-out a long, long time,

But finally said, "enough!"

So here I am dispatchin’ cops

An’ watchin’ felons sleep,

In Junction, at the county jail,

A job I’ll prob’ly keep.

The wife, she works at Leisure Lodge,

Where older people stay,

A-makin’ beds an’ moppin’ floors

To earn some ‘extra’ pay.

Though “extra pay‘s” the term I used,

It goes to payin’ rent,

An’ after all the bills are paid,

We wonder where it went.

We hocked my saddle, guns an' chaps,

An' then our weddin' rings;

Then when we couldn't pay the loan,

They sold the 'dad-blamed' things.

We felt real bad a day or two

But then we let it go,

Cause it got Christmas for the kids

When money got real slow.

When hard times come they sit a spell,

Don't matter who you are;

They'll cost ya things you've set aside,

An' clean your cookie jar.

You'll loose some sleep an' worry some,

Won't pay to moan an' groan;

But hang on to your happiness,

They'll finally leave ya 'lone.

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