sump, sume & sum

ROOT-WORDS are SUME,SUMP & SUM meaning TAKE, USE & WASTE. They come from the Latin sumere & sumptus. It is interesting to notice how the idea of taking and using began to mean expensive, burdensome, and wasteful. The layman’s name for tuberculosis is conSUMPtion, a disease that causes the patient to WASTE away. In ancient Greece and Rome there was a SUMPtuary law which forbade lavish spending.

1. Assume : as SUME (a sume’) v.

To take; to use; to suppose; as, I assume it is so

2. Assumption : as SUMP tion (a sump’ shun) n.

The act of taking for granted; as, on the assumption that it is so

3. Assuming : as SUM ing (a sume’ ing) adj.

Taking for granted; arrogant

4. Assumed : as SUM ed (a sumed’) adj.

Taken; as, under an assumed name

5. Assumptive : as SUMP tive (a sump’ tiv) adj.

Assuming; supposing

6. Consume : con SUME (kon sume’) v.

To use up; as, Americans consume millions of cigarettes

7. Consumer : con SUME r (kon sue’ mer) n.

One who consumes goods of some kind

8. Consumption : con SUMP tion (kon sump’ shun) n.

Act of using up; wasting away

9. Consumptive : con SUMP tive (kon sump’ tiv) adj.

Affected by consumption; a wasting away of the body

10. Consumable : con SUM able (kon sue’ ma b’l) adj.

Can be used up

11. Consumedly : con SUME dly (kon sue’ med lee) adv.

Excessively; as, he is consumedly proud of himself

12. Presume : pre SUME (pre zume’) v.

To take upon oneself without leave; as, do not presume too much

13. Presumably : pre SUM ably (pre zue’ ma blee) adv.


14. Presumption : pre SUMP tion (pre zump’ shun) n.

Arrogance; audacity

15. Presumptuously : pre SUMP tuously (pre zump’ chu us lee) adv.

Arrogantly; audaciously

16. Resume : re SUME (re zume’) v.

Take up again; as, after intermission the play will resume

17. Sumpter : SUMP ter (sump’ ter) n.

A beast of burden

18. Sumption : SUMP tion (sump’ shun) n.

A major premise; an assumption

19. Sumptuosity : SUMP tuosity (sump tue os’ i ti) n.

Lavish display

20. Sumptuously : SUMP tuously (sump’ chu us lee) adv

Lavishly; expensively

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