These ROOT-WORDS are SANG & SANGUI from the Latin sanguis meaning BLOOD. With all these bloody words, this page is certainly a bloody words, this page is certainly a bloody business. There is only one word from the list that isn’t dripping with blood-No. 1 SANGUIne.
1. Sanguine : SANGUI ne (san’ gwin) adj.
Red, like blood; ardent; confident
2. Sanguinary : SANGUI nary (san’ gwi nr ee) adj.
Bloody; bloodthirsty
3. Sanguineless : SANGUI neless (san’ gwin les) adj.
Pale; lacking blood; anemic
4. Sanguineous : SANGUI neous (san gwin’ ee us) adj.
Abounding with bloodshed; as, “sanguineous histories of queens”
5. Sanguinolent : SANGUI nolent (san gwin’ o lent) adj.
Tinged with blood
6. Sanguinous : SANGUI nous (san’ gwi nus) adj.
Containing blood; bloodthirsty
7. Sanguisuge : SANGUI suge (san’ gwi suje) n.
A bloodsucker; leech
8. Sanguisugent : SANGUI sugent (san gwi sue’ jent) adj.
9. Sangfroid : SANG froid (sang frws’) n.
Cold-bloodedness; calmness; nonchalance
10. Sanguify : SANMGUI fy (san’ gwi fie) v.
To make blood; as using foods containing iron
11. Sanguifier : SANGUI fier (san’ gwi fie er) n.
That which makes blood; as iron, a restorer of blood
12. Sanguimotor : SANGUI motor (san gwi moe’ tor) adj.
Relating to the circulation of the blood
13. Sanguinaceous : SANGUI nacreous (san gwi nay’ shus) adj.
Full-blooded; ardent; sanguine
14. Sanguinity : SANGUI nity (san gwin’ it ee) n.
The quality of full-bloodedness; ardor, enthusiasm
15. Consanguinity : con SANGUI nity (kon san gwin’ it eee) n.
Blood-relationship; having ancestors in common
16. Sanguinaria : SANGUI naria (san gwi nar’ ee a) n.
The blood-root; an herb which has reddish juice
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