recti & rect
These ROOT-WORDS are RECT & RECTI which mean STRAICHT & RIGHT. It is simple and most diRECT and goes exactly where it indicates, RIGHT to the point, no two ways about it.
1. Rectangle :RECT angle (rek’ tan g’l) n.
A right-angled parallelogram
2. Rectangled :RECT angled (rek tan’ guld) adj.
Separated into rectangles
3. Rectangular :RECT angular (rek tan’ gyu lar) adj.
Having edges that meet at right angles
4. Rectangulate :RECT angulate (rek tank’ yu late) v.
To move at right angles to each other
5. Rectangulometer:RECT angulometer (rek tang yu lom’ e ter) n.
Instrument for measuring right angles
6. Rectify :RECTI fy (rek’ ti fie) v.
To make right; to correct an error
7. Reckon :REC kon (rek; o ning) n.
An account; the sum total
8. Reckoning :REC koning (rek’ o ning) n.
An account; the sum total
9. Recto :RECT o (rk’ toe) n.
A right-hand page
10. Rector :RECT o (rek’ tor) n.
A clergyman; one who directs
11. Rectifiable :RECTI fiable (rek’ ti fie a b’l) adj.
Can be made right; as, a rectifiable error
12. Rectificator :RECTI ficator (rek’ ti fi kay tor) n.
One who can make things right; a rectifier
13. Rectory :RECT ory (rek’ to ree) n.
The house where the clergyman lives; the parsonage
14. Rectilinear :RECTI linear (rek ti lin’ e ear) adj.
Formed by straight lines
15. Rectitude :RECTI tude (rek; ti tyud) n.
Uprightness; righteousness
16. Direct :di RECT (di rekt’) v.
To show the right way; to guide
17. Director :di RECT or (di rek’ tor) n.
One who shows the right ways to do things
18. Direction :di RECT ion (di rek’ shun) n.
The act of directing
19. Directive :di RECT ive (di rek’ tive) n.
An order; instruction as to procedure
20. Indirect :indi RECT (in di rekt’) adj.
Not in a straight line or course
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