This ROOT-WORD is PUNCT which comes from the Latin punctum, meaning POINT & DOT. Every word on this list is important, and you will find many more to recognize yourself. It takes you from the PUNCTuation of a sentence to the PUNCTure of a tire, to the PUNCT of a discussion, to the PUNCTographi printing for the blind and to the marvelous quality of PUNCTuality.
1. Punch : PUNCT (punkt) n.
A point; an element in discussion
2. Punctal : PUNCT al (punk’ tal) adj.
Relating to a point
3. Punctuate : PUNCT uate (punk’ chu ate) v.
To place a point at the end of a sentence
4. Punctuation : PUNCT uation (punk chu ay’ shun) n.
The act of punctuating
5. Punctuative : PUNCT uative (punk’ tue ay tiv) adj.
Relating to punctuation
6. Punctuator : PUNCT uator (punk’ chu ate or) n.
One who punctuates a text
7. Punctiform : PUNCT iform (punk’ ti form) adj.
Having the form of a point or a dot
8. Punctilio : PUNCT ilio (punkt il’ i o) n.
Exactness; precision if form
9. Punctilious : PUNCT ilious (punk til’ ee us) adj.
Most particular, very precise
10. Compunction : com PUNCT ion (kom punk’ shun) n.
Remorse; twinges of guilt
11. Punctographic : PUNCT ographic (punk to graf’ ik) adj.
Like the point writing and printing for the blind; Braile
12. Punctual : PUNCT ual (punk’ chu al) adj.
Being exactly on time
13. Punctuality : PUNCT uality (punk chu al’ it ee) n.
The quality of being exactly on time
14. Punctualness : PUNCT ualness (punk’ chu al nes) n.
The same as No.13
15. Punctuator : PUNCT ator (punk’ tay tor) n.
One who marks with points; as, the vowel points in Hebrew texts
16. Punctum : PUNCT um (punk’ tum) n.
A dot; a point
17. Puncture : PUNCT ure (punk’ chur) v.
To pierce with a pointed instrument
18. Punctate : PUNCT ate (punk’ tate) adj.
Ending in a point
19. Unpunctuated : un PUNCT uated (un punk’ tue ate ed) adj.
Not punctuated; as, an unpunctuated sentence
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