pos, pon & pound
These ROOT-WORDS are POS, PON & POUND which mean PLACE & SET. It comes from the Latin ponere & positus which mean PLACE; SET. Please look at No. 6 postPONe. The syllable POST does not mean the same as No. 5. The post in postPONe is simply a Prefix that means after or later and it has nothing to do with this root.
1. Posit : POS it (poz’ it) v.
Set firmly in place; assert; declare
2. Position : POS ition (po zish’ un) n.
The manner in which a thing is placed; office
3. Positive : POS itive (poz’ it iv) adj.
Definitely laid down; as, a positive law
4. Positor : POS itor (poz’ i tor) n.
One who asserts or affirms
5. Post : POS t (poste) n.
A place; station; position; as, a soldier’s post
6. Postopone : post PON e (poste pone’) v.
Place later; delay; as, postpone the wedding
7. Posture : POS ture (pos’ chur) n.
Placement of the limbs of the body; carriage
8. Posture : POS ture (pos’ chur) v.
To assume a position; to pose
9. Composition : com POS ition (kom po zish’ un) n.
Combination of parts to form a whole
10. Deponent : de PON ent (de poe’ nent) n.
One who gives evidence in writing
11. Expose : ex POS e (ek spoze’) v.
Set forth; show for all to see; as, expose a fraud
12. Exposure : ex POS ure (ek spoe’ zhur) n.
The act of lying bare; as, exposure of all facts
13. Expound : ex POUN d (im spound’) v.
Set forth; expolain; as, expound a thory
14. Impound : im POUN d (im pound ) v.
To seize and hold in custody; as, to impound stray cattle
15. Propound : pro POUN d (pro pound’) v.
To propose; to offer; as, propound
16. Depose : de POS e (do poze) v.
To remove from office; as, depose the chairman
17. Impose : im POS e (im poze’) v.
To place on; as, impose a penalty
18. Propose : pro POS e (pro poze’) v.
To offer; to suggest; as, propose marriage
19. Proposal : pro POS al (pro poe’ zal) n.
An offer; as, a proposal of marriage
20. Proposition : pro POS ition (prop o zish’ un) n.
A statement offered for consideration.
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