picto & pict
These ROOT-WORDS are PICT & PICTO meaning to PAINT and to make a picture. All the words made with this ROOT figure largely in pictures and picture-making of all kinds. You may have a perfectly valid question to ask about the spelling of this root, PICTO and PICT. Why does PAINT have an n and the pictures have c? The Latin verb has both - pingere and pictus.
1. Picture : PICT ure (pik’ chur) n.
A representation through the art of painting, drawing, or photography
2. Pictograph : PICTO graph (pie’ to graf) n.
Writing with pictures or symbols
3. Pictography : PICTO graphy (pik tog’ ra fee) n.
Picture writing
4. Pictoradiogram : PICTO radiogram (pik to ray’ di o gram) n.
A picture transmitted by radiophotography
5. Pictorial : PICTO rial (pik tore’ ee al) adj.
Relating to pictures; as, pictorial style
6. Pictorialism : PICTO realism (pik to’ ri al iz um) n.
The use of pictorial style
7. Pictorizlize : PICTO rizlize (pik to’ ri al ize) v.
To represent by pictures
8. Picture : PICT ure (pik’ chur) v.
Make a mental image; as, I will picture the meeting in my mind
9. Pictural : PICT ural (pik’ tur al) adj.
10. Picture Dom : PICT uredom (pik’ tur dom) n.
The world of motion pictures
11. Picturedrome : PICT uredrome (pik’ tur drome) n.
A moving-picture theater
12. Picturesque : PICT uresque (pik chu resk’) adj.
Just like a picture, as, a picturesque scene
13. Picturesquely : PICT uresquely (pik chu resk’ lee) adv.
In a picturesque manner
14. Picturer : PICT urer (pik’ tur er) n.
A painter
15. Picturesque ness : PICT uresqueness (pik chu resk’ nes) n.
The quality of being like a picture
16. Pictury : PICT ury (pik’ tur i) adj.
Tending to look like a picture
17. Depict : de PICT (de pikt’) v.
To form a likeness; to portray; describe
18. Depicture : de PICT ure (de pik’ chur) v.
To depict; to imagine
19. Depiction : de PICT ion (de pik’ shun) n.
The act of depicting; representing