philo, phil, phila & phileThese ROOT-WORDS are PHIL, PHILA, PHILO & PHILE which mean LOVE. It comes from the Greek philos which means loving. There are a great many words with this root since there are many things to love. This list gives you a good sampling; man, the arts both creative and practical, self, others, learning, wisdom, even the humble plant which wants nothing more than a tree to climb on. Truly PHIL makes the world go round! PHILO gets you to your places. 1. Philadelphy : PHIL adelphy (fil a del’ fi) n. Love for all men as brothers 2. Philanderer : PHIL anderer (fi lan’ der er) n. A male flirt 3. Philanthropist : PHIL anthropist (fi lan’ thro pist) n. A lover of mankind; a generous giver to human welfare 4. Philatelist : PHIL atelist (fi lat’ el ist) n. A stamp collector 5. Philathea : PHILA thea (fi lay’ thee a) n. An international organization of Bible classes for women 6. Philematology : PHILE matology (fi lee ma tol’ o ji) n. The science of kissing 7. Philharmonic : PHIL harmonic (fil har mon’ ik) adj. Relating to an organization concerned with music 8. Philhippic : PHIL hippic (fil hip’ ik) adj. Loving horses 9. Philodemic : PHIL odemic (fil o dem’ ic) adj. Loving the people 10. Philodendron : PHIL odendron (fil o den’ dron) n. A climbing green-leaved plant that is cultivated because of its beautiful leaves 11. Philosophy : PHIL osophy (fi los’ o fee) n. Love of wisdom; pursuit of wisdom 12. Philodox : PHILO dox (fil’ o doks) n. One who loves the opinions he himself holds 13. Philogeant : PHIL ogeant (fil o jee’ ant) n. A lover of all good things 14. Philogynist : PHIL ogynist (fi loj’ i nist) n. One who is fond of women 15. Phiologist : PHIL ologist (fi lol’ o jist) n. A student, scholar, and lover of languages 16. Philomath : PHILO math (fil’ o math) n. A lover of learning 17. Philomuse : PHILO muse (fil’ o muze) n. A lover of poetry and the arts 18. Philotechnist : PHILO technist (fil o tek’ nist) n. A lover of the practical arts 19. Philotheism : PHILO theism (fil’ o thee iz um) n. Love of God 20. Philter : PHIL ter (fil’ ter) n. A love potion
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