ped & pod1. Pedagogue : PED agogue (ped’ a gog) n. One who leads a child; a teacher 2. Pedantry : PED antry (ped’ an tree) n. Display of learning 3. Pediatrician : PED iatrician (ped ee a trish’ an) n. A doctor who specializes in the care of children 4. Pediatrics : PED iatrics (pede ee a’ triks) n. That branch of medicine devoted to the care of children 5. Pedodontia : PED odontia (pee do don’ shi a) n. Treatment of the teeth of children 6. Pedophilia : PED ophilia (pee do fil’ i a) n. Inordinate love for children 7. Pedotrophy : PED otrophy (pe dot’ ro fi) n. The art of properly rearing children 8. Pedology : PED ology (pee dol’ o jee) n. Child study 9. Pedigerous : PED igerous (pe dij’ er us) adj. Having feet 10. Pedestal : PED estal (ped’ est al) n. The base of a statue or monument 11. Pedestrian : PED estrian (pe des’ tree an) n. One who travels on foot 12. Pedometer : PED ometer (pe dom’ et er) n. An instrument to measure distance walked 13. Pedomotive : PED omotive (ped o moe’ tiv) adj. Moved by the power of the foot 14. Pedal : PED al (ped’ al) adj. Relating to the foot 15. Podiatry : POD iatry (po die’ a tree) n. That branch of medicine which treats of diseases of the foot 16. Podiatrist : POD iatrist (po die’ a trist) n. One who practices podiatry 17. Pedograph : PED ograph (ped’ o graf) n. An instrument that records topography when held by a pedestrian as he walks 18. Pedomotor : PED omotor (pe dom’ ot or) n. Machine driven by the power of the feet; as, a bicycle, skates 19. Podium : POD ium (pode’ ee um) n. A platform; dais 20. Pedialgia : PED ialgia (ped i al’ ji a) n. Neuralgia in the foot
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