This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix OUS which means FULL OF & HAVING. This ROOT-WORD has a positive personality and the words which contain it are positive and strong. For good or for evil, they are powerful in thought, feeling and action.
1. Opprobrious : opprobri OUS (o pro’ bree us) adj.
Disgraceful; reproachful
2. Delicious : delici OUS (de lish’ us) adj.
Having delightful taste
3. Gracious : graci OUS (gray’ shus) adj.
Full of kindness; as, a gracious hostess
4. Homogeneous : homogene OUS (hoe moe jee’ nee us) adj.
Having a taste and smell that is delicious
5. Luscious : lusci OUS (lush’ us)adj.
Having a taste and smell that is delicious
6. Mysterious : mystery OUS (mis ter’ ee us)adj.
Full of obscurity; mystery
7. Nervous : nerv OUS (ner’ vus) adj.
Full of spirit; not calm, excited easily
8. Oblivious : oblivi OUS (o bliv’ ee us) adj.
Forgetful; mindless; unaware
9. Obnoxious : obnoxi OUS (ob nok’ shus) adj.
Hateful; objectionable
10. Obsequious : obsequy OUS (ob se’ kwi us) adj.
Slavishly flattering
11. Obvious : obvi OUS (ob’ vee us) adj.
Easily seen or understood; having a clear meaning; plain
12. Pugnacious : pugnaci OUS (pug nay’ shus) adj.
Having an inclination to fight; quarrelsome
13. Rapacious : rapaci OUS (ra pay’ shus) adj.
Having a grasping nature; greedy.
14. Serious : seri OUS (ser’ ee us) adj.
Full of earnestness; thoughtful
15. Tremendous : tremend OUS (tre men’ dus) adj.
Dreadful; powerful; awful
16. Vivacious : vivaci OUS (vi vay’ shus) adj.
Full of life; spirited; merry
17. Voracious : voraci OUS (vo ray’ shus) adj.
Always eating; gluttonous
18. Spacious : spaci OUS (spay’ shus) adj.
Having much space; roomy.
19. Malicious : malice OUS (ma lish’ us) adj.
Full of malice; ill-willed
20. Covetous : covet OUS (kov’ et us) adj.
Full of envy; wanting what others have
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