not playing with a full deck
mentally deficient - North American informal
A deck in this phrase is a pack of playing cards.
at full cock
(of a firearm) with the cock lifted to the position at which the trigger will act
at full stretch
with a part of your body fully extended
using the maximum amount of your resources or energy
come full circle
return to a past position or situation, often in a way considered to be inevitable
in full cry
expressing an opinion loudly and forcefully
Full cry originated and is still used as a hunting expression referring to a pack of hounds all baying in pursuit of their quarry.
full as a goog
very drunk - Australian informal
Goog is slang for egg. But its origins are uncertain.
the full monty
the full amount expected, desired or possible - informal
The origin of this expression is unclear.
Among various, though unsubstantiated theories, one cites as the source the phrase the full Montague Burton, apparently meaning a complete three-piece suit (from the name of a tailor of made-to-measure clothing in the early 20th century). Another theory recounts the possibility of a military origin, with the full monty being the full cooked English breakfast insisted upon by Field Marshal Montgomery.
full of beans
in high spirits - informal
This phrase was originally used by people who work with horses and referred to the good condition of a horse fed on beans.
full of years
having lived to a considerable age – archaic
Full of years is an expression originating in the Authorized Version of the Bible : an old man and full of years (Genesis 25 : 8 ).
at full pelt
with great speed
as fast as possible
full steam ahead = full speed ahead
used to indicate that you should proceed with as much speed or energy as possible
in full fig
wearing the smart clothes appropriate for an event or occasion – informal
Fig in the sense of dress or equipment is now used only in this phrase which was first recorded in the mid 19th century.
in full flight
escaping as rapidly as possible
1938 - Life - A week later General Cedillo was reported in full flight through the bush, with Federal troops hot on his heels.
in full flow
talking fluently and easily and showing no sign of stopping
performing vigorously and enthusiastically
in full swing
(of an activity) proceeding vigorously
not the full quid
not very intelligent – Australian & New Zealand informal
As an informal term for a pound sterling (or in former times - a sovereign or guinea) quid dates from the late 17th century. Its origins are unknown.
on a full stomach
having (or without having) eaten beforehand
to the full
to the greatest possible extent
full whack
the maximum price or rate
1989 - Holiday Which? - Tour prices vary. You pay top whack if you book in large hotels.
the fullness of your heart = the fullness of the heart
great or overwhelming emotion – literary
in the fullness of time
after a due length of time has elapsed
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