not know you are born
not know you are born
be unaware how easy your life is – Informal
Related Idioms and Phrases :
be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
be born into a wealthy family of high social standing
born and bred
by birth and upbringing
1991 - Sharon Kay Penman - The Reckoning - I was being tended by a most unlikely nurse, an Irish sprite who spoke French as if she was Paris born and bred.
born in the purple = born to the purple
born into a reigning family or privileged class
In ancient times, purple garments were worn only by royal and imperial families because of the rarity and costliness of the dye.
Born in the purple (rather than to) may have specific reference to the fact that Byzantine empresses gave birth in a room in the palace at Constantinople whose walls were lined with the purple stone porphyry. The title the Porphyrogenitos or Porphyrogenita was used for a prince or princess born in this room.
there is one born every minute = there is a sucker born every minute
there are many stupid or gullible people about (used as a comment on a particular situation in which someone has been or is about to be deceived) – informal
to the manner born
naturally at ease in a specified way of life, job or situation
This comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet : though I am native here And to the manner born. Punning on this expression, to the manor born is used to refer to someone who has aristocratic origins.
I was not born yesterday
used to indicate that you are not foolish or gullible
not know you are born :
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