This ROOT-WORD is NEUR which comes from the Greek neuron which means NERVE. The most subtle and evasive of diseases are the NEURological (No. 11) ones. If we studied NEURophysiology, the physiology of the nervous system, we would know more about NEURism (No. 6) and know how to prevent NEURoses (plural of No. 15), and be better equipped to avoid NEURoticism (No. 17).
Relating to neurology 12. Neurologist : NEEUR ologist (nu rol’ o jist) n. One who practices neurology 13. Neurergic : NEUR ergic (nu rer’ jik) adj. Relating to the action of the nerves 14. Neurography : NEUR ography (nu rog’ ra fi) n. A description of the nervous system 15. Neurosis : NEUR osis (nu roe’ sis) n. A nonphysical disorder of the nervous system 16. Neurotic : NEUR otic (nu rot’ ik) adj. Acting on the nerves; instability 17. Neuroticism : NEUR oticism (nu rot’ i siz um) n. A neurotic condition 18. Neuropathic : NEUR opathic (nur o path’ ik) adj. Having a nerve disease 19. Neurasthenia : NEUR asthenia (nur as thee’ nee a) n. A nervous condition of extreme fatigue 20. Neurexairesis : NEUR exairesis (nur eks i ree sis) n. The removal of a nerve to obtain relief from such diseases as neuralgia |
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