My Garden Smiles :
My Garden Smiles
My garden smiles
Welcoming the spring,
Roses, beautiful roses,
With fragrance and beauty,
Ringing tunes of the honey bees
Lovely scene, everywhere
My garden smiles.
The enchanting scene entered into me
Blossomed happiness in my body and
Variety of roses,
One lovely family of roses,
Presiding the dynamic scene,
With pleasant fragrant breeze,
My garden smiles.
All the roses fully blossomed towards the sky
It was a miracle to see.
A pleasant beautiful voice
Echoed from rose family,
O’ my friend, look at the sky,
I saw the miracle of
The shining moon in formation
And the powerful Venus very close
To each other belong to our galaxy.
The scene was indeed rare celebration,
Of heavenly bodies and roses of earth,
I looked above and roses of my garden,
I looked above and saw the Milky way,
I looked around the garden,
Roses, roses and roses.
This unique festival of lights and beauty
Why, why, why, this unique scene.
This graceful event
In my garden first time,
My garden smiles.
Then the sweet music
Engulfed the scene all around
Emanating from garden
“It was the celebration of
flowers and heavenly bodies,
in honour of visit of poetic soul,
of our galaxy milky way,
Yu Hsi a universal friend,
Of creative mind.”
Crossed many seas, to be with us
Welcome my friend from shining heavenly bodies,
Beautiful roses and divine music
My garden smiles.
BY : Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(Composed on 28th March - 2007 on the occasion of receiving the Crane Summit Supreme Honour Crown Medallion from Poet Yu His)
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