
is which means to . This is a universal word and everything in life is METERed out to us. Again our list is full of interesting scientific words and we find much to make us feel at home. In words No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20 we find old and newly made friends. There is today a weight reducer called METRECAL. It meters out calories. 1. Mete : METE (met) v. To measure; to assign by measure 2. Meter : METER (mate’ er) n. A measure; the official measure of certain commodities; as, a gas meter 3. Barometer : baro METER (ba rom’ et er) n. Instrument to record atmospheric pressure 4. Meterage : METER age (me’ ter ij) n. Act of measuring 5. Metrical : METER ical (me’ tri kal) adj. Relating to measuring; to metering 6. Chronometer : chrono METER (kro nom’ et er) n. An instrument which measures time 7. Gravimeter : gravi METER (gra vim’ et er) n. Instrument for measuring weight and density 8. Gyrometer : gyro METER (jie rom’ e ter) n. A rotary speed indicator 9. Megameter : mega METER (meg am’ e ter) n. An instrument which measures longitude by observation of the stars 10. Macrometer : macro METER (ma krom’ e ter) n. An instrument for measuring size and distance of objects

11. Isoperimeters : isoperi METER s (i so pe rim’ e ters) n. Figures with equal perimeters 12. Plegometer : plego METER (ple gom’ e ter) n. An instrument for measuring and recording the force of blows 13. Speedometer : speedo METER (spe dom’ et er) n. Instrument for measuring speed 14. Pedometer : pedo METER (pe dom’ et er) n. Instrument for measuring the distance walked 15. Perimeter : peri METER (pe rim’ et er) n. The distance around a closed plane figure 16. Thermometer : thermo METER (ther mom’ et er) n. An instrument for measuring heat 17. Seismometer : seismo METER (size mom’ et er) n. Instrument to determine movement of the ground during an earthquake 18. Voltameter : volta METER (vol tam’ et er) n. Instrument to measure volts in an electric circuit 19. Hypermetric : hyper MET ric (hie per me’ trik) adj. Exceeding the common measure 20. Heliothermometer: heliothermo METER (he li o ther mom’ e ter) n. Instrument to measure solar radiation
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