
This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix MENT meaning ACT Of, STATE OF & RESULT OF AN ACTION. MENT makes nouns out of verbs when added to them. If you look down the list, you will see that nearly every word without the Suffix MENT is a verb. With the Suffix MENT the word becomes a noun. Nos. 12 and 14 are the only ones on the list which do not fall into that pattern. MENT is another one of those duplicating ROOT-WORDS. It means ACT OF, STATE OF & QUALITY.

1. Contentment : content MENT (kon tent’ ment) n.

A state of being satisfied with one’s lot

2. Aggrandizement : aggrandize MENT (a gran’diz ment) n.

State of becoming greater

3. Alignment : align MENT ( a line’ ment) n.

Result of setting in line

4. Amendment : amend MENT (a mend’ ment) n.

Result of adding to a law

5. Apartment : apart MENT (a part’ ment) n.

A set of rooms to live in

6. Appeasement : appease MENT (a peze’ ment) n.

Act of quieting anger

7. Compliment : compli MENT (kom’ pli ment) n.

Praise given as a result of an action

8. Attainment : attain MENT (a tane’ ment) n.

The state of having reached a goal

9. Achievement : achieve MENT (a cheve’ ment) n.

A thing accomplished with effort

10. Appointment : appoint MENT (a point’ ment) n.

The result of an arrangement for a meeting
11. Excitement : excite MENT (ek site’ ment) n.

A state of being aroused

12. Ferment : fer MENT (fer’ ment) n.

A state of unrest’ excitement

13. Indictment : indict MENT (in dite’ ment) n.

The result of an action in writing charging one with an offense

14. Instrument : instru MENT (in stru ment) n.

A means to get a result; a tool

15. Nourishment : nourish MENT (nur’ ish ment) n.

Food for the body

16. Postponement : postpone MENT (post pone’ ment) n.

The result of putting a thing off for later; a delay

17. Presentiment : presenti MENT (pre sent’ I ment) n.

A forewarning of evil to come

18. Resentment : resent MENT (re zent’ ment) n.

Result of anger against another for cause

19. Statement : state MENT (state’ ment) n.

An expression of fact or opinion

20. Testament : testa MENT (tes’ ta ment) n.

Result of an expression of tribute; credo
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