manu & man

ROOT-WORDS are MAN & MANU which mean BY HAND. The words Nos. 6, 7 and 8 are really misnomers. MANUfactured goods are no longer made by hand in a MANUfactory by a MANUfacturer with his own hands. In the march of automation we shall soon be obliged to find another name for machine-made goods. Someday, a person who knows the ROOT-WORD well will invent a new word to take the place of the old.

1. Manual : MANU al (man’ yu al) adj.

Relating to the hand; as, manual labor

2. Manucaption : MANU caption (man yu kap’ shun) n.

A document that was once used to obtain the presence in court of an alleged felon

3. Manuduction : MANU duction (man yu duk’ shun) n.

Leading by the hand; guidance

4. Manacles : MAN acles (man’ a k’ls) n.

Handcuffs; chains

5. Manicure : MAN icure (man’ i kyur) n.

The care of the hands and nails

6. Manufacture : MANU facture (man yu fak’ chur) n.

The act of making by machinery or hand

7. Manufacturer : MANU facturer (man yu fak’ chur er).

One who hires others to make things in quantity by hand or by machine

8. Manufactory : MANU factory (man yu fak; to ree) n.

A place where merchandise is made

9. Manifest : MAN ifest (man’ i fest) adj.

Seen at hand; obvious; apparent

10. Manumit : MANU mit (man yu mit’) v.

To release from contract; set free; as, manumit a slave

11. Manumission : MANU mission (man yu mish’ un) n.

The act of liberating a slave

12. Manumotive : MANU motive (man yu mo’ tiv) adj.

Moved by hand

13. Maneuver : MAN euver (ma nu’ ver) v.

To bring about by skill; to guide; manipulate

14. Manuscript : MANU script (man’ yu skript)

A document of literary work written in hand

15. Manipulate : MAN ipulate (ma nip’ yu late) v.

To work out by hand; to manage

16. Manipulation : MAN ipulation (ma nip yu lay’ shun) n.

Skillful handling; as, the manipulation of puppets

17. Emancipate : e MAN cipate (e man’ si pate) v.

Release; set free

18. Emancipation : e MAN cipation (e man si pay’ shun) n.

The act of liberation; as, the Emancipation Proclamation

19. Legerdemain : legerde MAIN (lej erd e mane’) n.

Light-handed magic tricks; sleight of hand

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