know how many beans make five :
full of beans
in high spirits - informal
This phrase was originally used by people who work with horses and referred to the good condition of a horse fed on beans.
give someone beans
scold or deal severely with a person - informal
a row of beans = a hill of beans
something of little importance or value - informal
1999 - SL (Cape Town) - I think that what your friends and family think shouldn't amount to a hill of beans.
know how many beans make five
be intelligent
have your wits about you – British informal
not have a bean
be penniless - informal
Bean was an early 19th-century slang term for a golden guinea or sovereign. In the sense of a coin, it now survives only in this phrase.
spill the beans
reveal secret information, especially unintentionally or indiscreetly – informal
know how many beans make five :
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