interThe ROOT-WORD is the Prefix INTER which means BETWEEN & AMONG. It is a very much needed ROOT-WORD, very social-minded and minding other people’s business. It always comes INTER & BETWEEN, this thing and that, this person and that. Watch the spelling and the pronunciation. Don’t say it carelessly because there are two other ROOT-WORDS which are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings. You must be prepared to understand the distinction between them. 1. Interaction : INTER action (int e rak’ shun) n. Action for mutual advantage 2. Interaxillary : INTER axillary (in ter ak’ si lar i ) adj. Coming between two axils of leaves 3. Interborough : INTER borough (in’ ter bur o) adj. Operating between boroughs 4. Intercede : INTER cede (int er sede’) v. To act between two parties in order to restore friendship 5. Interdependent : INTER dependent (in ter do pen’ dent) adj. Dependent, each one upon the other 6. Interdict : INTER dict (in’ ter dikt) v. To forbid; as, to interdict trade with certain nations 7. Intercept : INTER (cept (in ter sept’) v. To take between sending and delivery; as, intercept a letter 8. Interciliary : INTER cept (in ter sept’) v. Between the eyebrows 9. Intercostals : INTER costal (int er kost’ al) adj. Between the ribs 10. Intercourse : INTER course (int’ er kors) n. Correspondence or trade between or among people 11. Interfaith : INTER faith (int’ er fathe) n. Involving persons of various religions 12. Interfere : INTER fere (int er fere’) v. To enter into the concerns of others; to clash; to meddle 13. Interfoliate : INTER foliate (in ter foe’ li ate) Put leaves between pages in books 14. Interject : INTER ject (in er jekt’) v. Throw between or among; as, interject humorous remarks 15. Interlude : INTER lude (int’ er lude) n. A period between; as, a short play between the acts of a long one 16. Interpose : INTER pose (int er poze’) v. To place between; to intrude 17. Interpolate : INTER polate (in ter’ po late) v. To insert; as, to put into a book matter which changes the purpose of the author 18. Interstate : INTER state (int er state’) adj. Between states; as, interstate commerce 19. Intervene : INTER vene (int er vene’) v. Come between; interfere 20. Intervention : INTER vention (in ter ven’ chun) n. The act of coming between; interference
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