in & im

These ROOT-WORDS are the Prefixes IN & IM meaning IN & INTO. I know on a previous page I said IN & IM mean NOT. And now the very same ROOT-WORDS mean IN & INTO. Well, that’s life! And these ROOT-WORDS are just as contrary. No help for its. When you see IN or IM you’ll have to stop and think. Is it NOT or IN? One good thing, though: the rules for labials remain the same. IN become IM before b, m, and p.

1. Interior: IN terior (in ter’ ee or) n.

The inside; the inner part

2. Influx: IN flux (in’ fluks) n.

An inward flow

3. Ingress: IN gress (in’ gres) n.

Act of entering; coming in

4. Inhale: IN hale (in hale’) v.

To breathe in

5. Imbue: IM bue (im byue’) v.

To inspire; as, to imbue with a love for books

6. Imbibe: IM bibe (im bibe’) v.

To drink in; to take into the mind; as, to imbibe wisdom

7. Immure: IM mure (im yure’) v.

To wall in; build a wall around

8. Immigrate: IM migrate (im’ i grate) v.

To come into a country in order to settle

9. Immigrant: IM migrant (im’ I grant) n.

One who comes into a country as a settle

10. Imminent: IM minent (im’ I nent) adj.

About to occur

11. Immingle: IM mingle (im ming’ gl) v.

Mix with; join; blend

12. Important: IM portent (im port’ ant) adj.

Having significance

13. Impress: IM press (im pres’) v.

To leave a mark or an image on

14. Impression: IM pression (im presh’ un) n.

The mark or image one leaves

15. Impressionable: IM pressionable (im presh’ us na b’l) adj.

Easily impressed

16. Imprison: IM prison (im priz’ on) v.

Put into jail

17. Implosion: IM plosion (im ploe’ zhun) n.

A bursting inward

18. Impinges: IM pinge (im pinj’) v.

To dash, strike; to come into close contact with something

19. Imperil: IM peril (im per’ il) v.

To put into danger

20. Impulsive: IM pulsive (im puls’ iv) adj.

To act suddenly; to cause to be

These ROOT-WORDS have another meaning. Go there.

Go to the 'Etymology Index' page


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