These ROOT-WORDS are the Prefixes IN & IM which mean NOT. The words from 1 to 9 show this. All the other words change that Prefix to IM because the root word which follows the Prefix begins with a b, m, or p. These are called lip letters, or labials, because they are made with the lips. Before these labials IM sounds better than IN. Try it and see for yourself. It is also easier to pronounce. When a change is made because the sound is better or easier to make, we say the change is made for the sake of EUPHONY – pleasant sound. You will meet this word again.
1. Inability: IN ability (in a bil’ it ee) n.
State of not being able
2. Inadequate: IN adequate (in ad’e kwat) adj.
Not enough; insufficient
3. Inaccessible: IN accessible (in ak ses’ I b’l) adj.
Not able to be reached
4. Inarticulate: IN articulate (in ar tik’ yu lat) adj.
Not able to express oneself
5. Inclement: IN clement (in klem’ ent) adj.
Not mild, often said of the weather
6. Inhospitable: IN hospitable (in hos pit’ a b’l) adj.
Unwilling to be host to others
7. Intolerable: IN tolerable (in tol’ e ra b’l) adj.
Not to be endured
8. Insatiable: IN satiable (in say’ shi b’l) adj.
Can never be satisfied; always wanting more
9. Invisible: IN visible (in vis’ I b’l) adj.
Cannot be seen
10. Imperfect: IM possible (im pos’ I b’l) adj.
Incapable of being or happening
11. Impossible: IM possi ble (im poss e ble) adj.
Incapable of being or happening
12. Improbable: IM probable (im prob’ a b’l) adj.
Not likely to occur or be true
13. Implacable: IM placable (im plak’ a b’l) adj.
Cannot be appeased; cannot forgive
14. Immature: IM mature (im a tyure’) adj.
Not full grown; still unripe
15. Immoral: IM moral (lim mor’ al) adj.
Not of good character
16. Immobilize: IM mobilize (im o’ bi lize) v.
To make immovable; like a stroke that makes a person incapable of movement
17. Immoderate: IM moderate (im mod’e rat) adj.
Inclined to go beyond bounds
18. Imbalance: IM balance (im bal’ ans) n.
A lack of balance; more weight on one side than on the other
19. Impassable: IM passible (im pas’ a b’l) adj.
Cannot be passed; blocked
20. Immortal: IM mortal (im ort’ al) adj.
Not subject to death; like Shakespeare’s immortal poetry
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