How to cultivate
our will-power?

How to cultivate our will-power?

When this mind is developed, we are ready to take the most important step in developing the will-power. This step is to remove the dichotomy between the head and heart, the intellect and emotion, the thinking and the feeling. How do we do it? It can be done only by loving the truth of our being. If we know it for certain that we are divine, we are the children of immortality with a great history behind and a great destiny before, and we will hate to do things which are unworthy of us, being determined to do things expected of us. In other words, our thoughts and emotions will unite in order to enable us to do the best expected of us by ourselves.

May be we shall not succeed without a struggle. What of that? What is the worth of a success achieved without a struggle? We shall most certainly succeed, if we give the fight all right, without allowing hypothetical fears to sabotage our self-confidence and energy supply.

This is the best way of fighting evil within ourselves…assert the divine and the devil will fun out. How do we assert the divine within us? If we want to assert the divine, we must not do two things.. We must not be cowards and we must not be hypocrites. We must be brave, take courage in both hands and follow the truth to its logical conclusion. Go with truth wherever it takes us… this should be our motto.

Opposition to this way of thinking and living will most certainly come. We must predetermine our proper attitude to such opposition and receive opposition without being overly ruffled, in good humour, with a smile, if possible. Swami Vivekananda indicates what should be our temper and attitude to oppositions. He asks…Have you got the will to surmount the mountain-high obstructions? If the whole world stands against you sword in hand, would you still dare to do what you think is right? If your wives and children are against you, if all your money goes, your name dies, your wealth vanishes, would you still stick to it? Would you still pursue it and go steadily towards the goal?

It is in this temper that we shall have to face opposition. You may raise the objection…to begin with, I do not have the will to surmount mountain-high obstruction. That is my problem… That is not your problem. Your problem is you have not adequate love for intensify the love of truth, then this temper for facing the opposition will spontaneously grow in you.

More Pages on Will-Power and Its Development :

  • Will-Power and Its Development - 1
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 2
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 3
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 4
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 5
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 6
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 7
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 8
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 9
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 10
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 11
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 12
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 13
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 14
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 15
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 16
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 17
  • Will-Power and Its Development - 18

  • How to cultivate our will-power?


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