Hooked on Ebonics :
Hooked on Ebonics : Leroy is a 20 year old 9th grader. This is Leroy's homework assignment. He must use each vocabulary word in a sentence.
Foreclose : If I pay alimony this month, I'll have no money foreclose.
Rectum : I once had two Cadillac’s, but my old lady rectum.
Hotel : I gave my girlfriend the crabs and the hotel everyone.
Disappointment : My parole officer told me if I miss disappointment, they are going to send me back to the big house.
Penis : I went to a doctor and he handed me a cup and said penis.
Israel : Alonso tried to sell me a Rolex. I said, man that looks fake. He said bullshit that watches Israel.
Catacomb : Don King was at the fight the other night, man somebody ought to give data catacomb.
Undermine : There is a fine looking how living in the apartment undermine.
Acoustic : When I was little, my uncle bought me acoustic and took me to the poor hall.
Iraq : When I got to the poor hall, I told my uncle Iraq, you break.
Stain : My mother-in-law stopped by and I asked her Do you plan on stain for dinner.
Seldom : My cousin gave me two tickets to the Nicks game, so I seldom.
Honor : At the rape trial, the Judge asked my buddy who be honor first.
Odyssey : I told my brother, you odyssey the tits on that hoe.
Axe : The policeman wanted to axe me some questions.
Tripoli : I was going to buy my old lady a bra for her birthday, but I couldn't find a Tripoli.
Fortify : I asked the hoe how much? She said fortify.
Income : I just got in bed with da hoe and income my wife.
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