Future Tense in Active Voice
Future Tense in Active Voice :
He will author five books.
He will buy oranges in dozens.
He will charge a battery.
He will drive his car to his office.
He will face a problem.
He will give me an apple.
He will kill a lion in the forest.
He will make a doll.
He will manage his office.
He will murder his father.
He will read a poem.
He will read a poem.
He will sign the cheque.
He will simplify the problem.
He will smoke a cigarette.
I will manufacture tyre.
I will read a novel of RKL.
I will see a bird.
I will see a bird.
I will see a mango in the tree.
I will send him to school.
I will typewrite a letter.
I will write a story.
I will write a story.
It will treats a problem.
Makka will read a document.
Malar will colour a picture.
Mallika will teache English to the slum children.
Mani will give me a notebook.
Radha will walk the distance.
Ravi will speak the truth.
She will borrow money.
She will draw a picture.
She will draw my picture.
She will make cake.
She will marry our daughter.
She will play chess.
She will play tennis.
She will prepare dinner.
She will purchase a house.
She will rule Indonesia.
She will sail by boat.
She will sing a song.
She will spoil the child.
She will store grains.
She will summon him.
She will throw the ball.
The will judge summoned him.
They will borrow money.
They will draw a picture.
They will draw a picture.
They will make cake.
They will marry our daughter.
They will prepare dinner.
They will purchase a house.
They will rule Indonesia.
They will sail by boat.
They will shift me.
They will slip a currency-note.
They will submit their report.
They will switch on the light.
They will tax me Rs. 10000.
They will threaten me.
They will transport things.
We will author five books.
We will borrow money.
We will buy orange.
We will charge a battery.
We will drive his car.
We will face a problem.
We will give me an apple.
We will kill a lion.
We will look at the notice.
We will look at the notice.
We will make a doll.
We will make cake.
We will manage his office.
We will marry our daughter.
We will murder his father.
We will purchase a house.
We will sign the cheque.
We will simplify the problem.
We will slip a currency-note.
We will smoke a cigarette.
We will start the work.
We will start the work.
We will switch on the light.
We will transport things.
You will listen to the music.
You will send me an email.
You will sing a song.
You will spoil the child.
You will store grains.
You will tell a lie.
You will throw the ball.
You will transport this chair to our office.
You will watch a movie.
You will watch television.
You will watch television.
Future Tense in Active Voice
Future Tense in Active Voice :
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