fight like cat and dog

fight like cat and dog :

(of two people) be continually arguing with one another.

1995 - Edward Toman - Dancing in Limbo - Her desertion of him hadn't come as a total surprise... for the pair of them had been fighting like cat and dog for the best part of a year.


fight fire with fire :

use the weapons or tactics of your enemy or opponent even if you find them distasteful

1998 - New Scientist - Many opponents of biotechnology might say that they are simply fighting fire with fire. After all, the biotechnology industry is not averse to misquoting people when it suits them.

fight a losing battle :

be fated to fail in your efforts

fight or flight :

the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation which readies you either to resist violently or to run away

fight shy of :

be unwilling to undertake or become involved with

1992 - Farmers Guardian - Welsh companies often fight shy of dealing with the big multiples.

fight tooth and nail :

fight very fiercely

fight like cat and dog :

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