fac & factThese ROOT-WORDS are FAC & FACT meaning MAKE. It comes from the Latin facere, factus, to make & to construct. Word No. 13 is a gem of a word. Many people murder FACTS and insist than they are innocent. However, the word facticide is so funny that is the general laughter, the fact can be restored to life without ill feelings roused. Try it! 1. Fact : FACT (fakt) n. A thing done; a deed 2. Faction : FAC tion (fak’ shun) n. A small group usually of dissent; a party in government 3. Factious : FAC tious (fak; shus) adj. Inclined to dissent 4. Factor : FAC tor (fak; tor) n. One who transacts business 5. Factor : FAC tor (fak’ tor) n. One who transacts business 5. Factor : FAC tor (fak; tor) v. To resolve into factors 6. Factory : FAC tory (fak’ to ree) n. The place where workmen are employed in making goods of various kinds 7. Faculty : FAC ulty (fak; un lee) n. Ability to act or do 8. Factotum : FAC toum (fak’ ul tee) n. One who can do many things 9. Factitious : FAC titious (Fak tish’ us) adj. Made by art, not produced by nature 10. Factive : FAC tive (fak; tive) adj. Making; causing 11. Putrefactive : putre FAC tive (pyu tre fak’ tive) adj. Causing decay; making a thing rotten 12. Satisfaction : satis FAC tion (sat is fak; shun) n.
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