eat the bread of idleness

eat the bread of idleness

eat food that you have not worked for

This phrase appears in the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 : 27 - She... eateth not the bread of idleness.

Related Idioms and Phrases :

step into the breach

take the place of someone who is suddenly unable to do a job or task.

IN military terms a breach is a gap in fortifications made by enemy guns or explosives. In this context, to stand in the breach is to bear the brunt of an attack when other defences or expedients have failed.

the best thing since sliced bread = the greatest thing since sliced bread

a notable new idea, person or thing (used to express real or ironic appreciation) – informal

This phrase alludes to the mid 20th-century advertising promotions for packed, pre-sliced loaves.

bread and circuses

material benefits and entertainment employed by rulers or political parties to keep the masses happy and docile

Bread and circuses is a translation of the Latin phrase partem et circenses which appeared in Juvenal's Satires, and which alludes to the Roman emperors’ organization of grain handouts and gladiatorial games for the populace.

break bread with

share a meal with someone - dated

cast your bread upon the waters

do good without expecting gratitude or immediate reward.

This expression comes from Ecclesiastes 11 : 1 - Cast thy bread upon the waters : for thou shalt find it after many days.

have your bread buttered on both sides

be in a state of easy prosperity.

know on which side your bread is buttered

know where your advantage lies.

man cannot live by bread alone

people have spiritual as well as physical needs.

This phrase comes from Matthew 4 : 4 (quoting Deuteronomy 8 : 3) where the passage continues but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

someone's bread and butter

someone's livelihood

routine work to provide an income

1998 - Times - It is not that the smaller deal has disappeared - they remain the bread and butter of this industry.

take the bread out of people's mouths

deprive people of their livings, especially by competition or unfair working practices.

want your bread buttered on both sides

want more than is practicable or than is reasonable to expect - informal

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