
ROOT-WORD is the Prefix DIA which means THROUGH. You will meet this ROOT in geometry, music, medicine chemistry and even in Communist DIAlectics, so dear to the Russian soul in arguments which are more DIAtribes against democracy than logical arguments.

1. Diameter : DIA meter (die am’ et er) n.

The length of a straight line drawn through the center of a circle

2. Diagram : DIA gram (die’ a gram) n.

A combination of lines drawn to explain an idea

3. Diagonal : DIA gonal (die ag’ on al) adj.

Passing through two opposite angles of a plane figure

4. Diagnose : DIA gnose (die ag nose’) v.

Recognize a disease through symptoms

5. Diaglyph : DIA glyph (die’ a glyf) n.

An engraving on metal; an intaglio

6. Dialyze : DIA lyze (die’ a lize) v.

To separate into elements

7. Dialysis : DIA lysis (die al’ a sis) n.

The separation into elements

8. Diagenesis : DIA genesis (die a jen’ e sis) n.

A recombining of elements which results in a new product

9. Dialogue : DIA logue (die’ a log) n.

Conversation between two or more persons

10. Diatribe : DIA tribe (die’ a tribe) n.

A long and bitter discussion or lecture which is usually abusive

11. Diathermy : DIA thermy (die’ a ther mee) n.

Treatment of disease by penetrating heat

12. Diadermic : DIA dermic (die a der’ mik) adj.

Acting through the skin; as, a skin lotion

13. Diastema : DIA stema (die a stee’ ma) n.

A vacant space or gap between teeth in the jaw

14. Diaspora : DIA spora (di as’ pr ra) n.

A scattering among the nations

15. Diapason : DIA pason (die a paze’ on) n.

The whole scale of tones; range

16. Dialectic : DIA lactic (die a lek’ tik) n.

Argument through critical discussion

17. Diacritical : DIA critical (die a krit’ i kal) adj.

Serving to distinguish; as, diacritical marks on words aid pronunciation

18. Diadem : DIA dem (die’ a dem) n. Crown

19. Diascope : (die’ a skope) n.

Instrument to expel the blood from a part of the body and thus reveal changes in it

20. Diaeresis : DIA eresis (die er’ e sis) n.

When two vowels appear together, a mark (**) is placed over the second vowel to show that it is pronounced as a separate syllable, as naïve

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