
This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix DI which means TWO, DOUBLE & SEPARATE. Notice the SEPARATE idea of Divide and Divorce. It is a difficult key.

1. Dicephalous: DI cephalous (die sef’ a lus) adj.

Having two heads

2. Didactic: DI dactyl (die dak’ til) n.

An organism with only two digits on each extremity

3. Diota: DI ota (die o’ ta) n.

A vessel with two handles

4. Dicellate: DI cellate (die sel’ ate) n.

Having two prongs; as, a fork

5. Dicotyledon: DI cotyledon (di kot el eed’ on) n.

A plant that has two seed leaves

6. Dicotyledonous: DI cotyledonous (di kot el eed’ on us) adj.

Having two seed leaves

7. Dichromatic: DI chromatic (die kroe mat’ ik) adj.

Having two colors

8. Dichotomy: DI chotomy (die kot’ o me) n.

A separation into two parts

9. Diclinic: DI clinic (die klin’ ik) adj.

Having two oblique intersections behind three of the axes of a crystal

10. Diacid: DI acid (die as’ id) n.

An acid having two hydrogen atoms

11. Dimeter: DI meter (dim’ et er) n.

A line of verse with two metrical feet

12. Dilemma: DI lemma (di lem’ a) n.

A situation which poses two or more difficult choices

13. Dilogy: DI logy (dil’ o jee) n.

Speech that has two or more meanings

14. Diphthong: DI phthong (dif’ thong) n.

A sound made by joining two vowels; as, OU in hOUse

15. Dioxide: DI oxide (die ok’ side) n.

A compound containing two atoms of oxygen

16. Digraph: DI graph (die’ graf) n.

Two vowels written together and making one sound; as, AE in Aesop

17. Divide: DI vide (di vide’) v.

To separate into two or more parts

18. Divorce: DI vorce (di vors’) n.

Separation, one from the other

19. Divulsion: DI vulsion (die vul’ shun) n.

A tearing apart

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