cook the books
alter records, especially accounts, with fraudulent intent or in order to mislead – informal
Cook has been used since the mid 17th century in this figurative sense of tamper with or manipulate.
Related Idioms :
cook on the front burner
be on the right lines
be on the way to rapid success – North American informal
Another version of this phrase is cook with gas.
cook his goose
spoil someone's plans
cause someone's downfall – informal
The underlying idea of this phrase seems to be that a goose was cherished and fattened up for a special occasion and therefore to cook it prematurely meant to spoil the plans for a feast.
too many cooks spoil the broth
if too many people are involved in a task or activity, it will not be done well. – proverb
1997 - Times - Too many cooks spoil the broth and at Apple there is now the equivalent of Marco Pierre White, Anton Mosimann and Nico Ladenis.
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