conThis ROOT-WORD is the Prefix CON. It has various forms as you see in the list. The n is left out as in Nos. 6-9; n change to l in Nos. 10, 11, 12; n changes to m as in Nos. 13-18; n changes to r in Nos. 19, 20. It is one of those assimilated prefixes. But every form means WITH & TOGETHER. 1. Connect : CON nect (ko nekt’) v. To link together; create a relationship 2. Connection : CON nection (ko nek’ shun) n. The state of being connected; union 3. Congress : CON gress (kon’ gres) n. The act of coming together; a meeting 4. Congregate : CON gregate (kon; gre gate) v. To gather with others in one place 5. Congregation : Con gregation (kon gre gay’ shun) n. A gathering of persons 6. Cohere : CO here (ko here’) v. To stick together 7. Coherence : CO herence (ko here’ ens) n. A sticking together; a union of parts 8. Cooperate : CO operate (ko op’ e rate) v. To work together for a common cause 9. Cooperation : CO operation (ko op e ray’ shun) n. A joint effort or labor 10. Collect : COL lect (ko lekt’) v. To gather into one place; to assemble 11. Collide : COL lide (ko lide’) v. To clash; as, many interests collide 12. Collision : COL lision (ko lizh’ un) n. A clash; a violent coming together 13. Combine : COM bine (kom bine’) v. To mix together 14. Combat : COM bat (kom’ bat) n. A fight; a battle; conflict 15. Combatant : COM batant (kom bat’ ant) n. One who engages in battle 16. Comment : COM mend (ko mend’) v. To entrust with; to mention with praise 17. Commendation : COM mendation (kom en day’ shun) n. An act of mentioning with praise 18. Compound : COM pound (kom’ pound) n. Something made of several par 19. Correct : COR rect (ko rekt’) v. To remove faults or errors 20. Correlate : COR relate (kor’ e late) v. To establish a relationship with
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