close your mind to
refuse to consider or acknowledge
Related Idioms :
close to the bone
(of a remark) penetrating and accurate to the point of causing hurt or discomfort
(of a joke or story) likely to cause offence because near the limit of decency
close the door on
exclude the opportunity for
refuse to consider
1999 - South China Morning Post - Fergie did not close the door on the couple reconciling some day.
close to home
(of a remark or topic of discussion) relevant or accurate to the point that you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed
close ranks
(of soldiers or police officers) come closer together in a line
unite in order to defend common interests
1998 - Country Life - The farming community stands to lose those privileges unless it closes ranks against the few who let the side down.
close shave = close call
a narrow escape from danger or disaster – informal
close to = close on
(of an amount) almost
very nearly
run someone close
almost match the same standards or level of achievement as someone else
too close for comfort
dangerously or uncomfortably near
too close to call
(of a contest, race, etc.) so evenly balanced that it is impossible to predict the outcome with confidence - informal
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