Classical Theory Structure :
By way of illustration, in this document we will describe and
explain the classical structural theory as presented by Max Weber. To
highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this classical structure as
used in a realistic modern organization we will apply this theory as used
today in our public police department.
In the classical structural theory a person is hired for their
technical expertise rather than on the recommendation of a connection
from within the company. Generally these people are more inclined to
work in very well-defined process oriented positions. Employees are
given titles in which the authority to perform specific duties are
vested. Outside of the defined position the employee has little or no
Lines of authority and positions are clearly defined by formally
established rules and regulations that help to ensure uniformity of
operations, and provide for continuity of business as well as making
responsibility easy to place. In his 10 points Weber implied that
procedures imposed on all who fall within their reach are formal and
impersonal (Pace & Faules, 1994, p. 30-31). In addition to these
procedures, It is suggested that an attitude of discipline is an integral
part of the organization that wants to promote efficiency (Pace & Faules,
1994, chapter 3). They are intentionally designed without attention to
personal or emotional considerations to prevent distortion of employees'
rational judgment in carrying out their assigned duties. Employees
working in a classically structured organization are encouraged to
maintain distinction between their private and professional lives. The
last tenet of Max Weber's theory involves security and advancement. He
held that security in a position was gained by tenure. For motivated
individuals who want to advance their careers, hard work and achievement
are viewed in this type of organization as the best way to develop a good
rapport with the supervisor. Because responsibility is so easily laid on
individuals, awarding recognition on an individual basis is the rule.
In today's society, even as we progress from the so-called
Industrial Age to the Information Age, such organizations still exist.
The police department is a high visibility organization that continues to
utilize the ideas founded in classical theory. Potential officers are
given a series of tests, both physical and mental, which determine to a
great extent their probability of being hired. In line with Weber's
work, each position in the department has a title which is representative
of their level in the hierarchy (Pace & Ferules - 1994, p. 30-31). Strict
self-discipline is praised and there are many policies in place to ensure
that rational judgment is maintained. The most common way to advance in
the police department is through time on the job. Seniority, especially
when combined with competency, is given a great deal of weight.
Maintaining the premise that authority is vested not in a person but in
the position, when an officer leaves the force he or she loses the power
to chase criminals through red lights, arrest drug lords, and perform
other duties for which the authority rises out of the position once held.
Advantages of Classical Structural Theory
The opinion that easily identifiable structure and tightly managed
rules and regulations are advantageous in public organizations is widely
held. Structure and policy are of tremendous interest to all those
interested in the uniformity and continuity of public safety.
The advantages of the classical structure within our example have
multiple impacts on how the organization operates. As affirmed by
Frederick Taylor, with a clear and concise reporting path we can
visualize how the police department utilizes this in their daily
operations (Pace & Faules, 1994, p. 32-33). In a crisis situation it is
imperative that the police department work in a unison direction with as
little verbal interaction as possible. This allows partners to
communicate with a structural nonverbal direction. Strict rules guiding
the behavior of officers on duty help to protect the public from officers
acting out domestic aggression at work. In this way, the separation of
private and professional lives is a distinct advantage.
Disadvantages of Classical Structural Theory
Despite the many advantages associated with this type of arrangement
within the police department, a number of disadvantages also exist. For
employees, goals of advancement maybe slow to realize due to the tenure
required to obtain various levels in the hierarchy. In addition to
tenure, employees of the police department are also limited by budget
restraints and number of employees needed to provide an acceptable level
of service. For the public, the rules and regulations followed by
officers leave little room for consideration of individual circumstances.
As a result of several years of this type of structure, and the
culmination of several high tech jobs in the market place, many companies
are beginning to move away from this type of organization. Companies
have come to realize that employees' personal goals and environment are
critical to their work performance, which classical structure tends to
stagnate. Thus, it is the consensus of the group that classically
structured organizations should start to examine the impacts that a more
subjective approach to organizing may have on their specific
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