cise & cide

ROOT-WORDS are CISE & CIDE. Here you will meet the Root CISE which means CUT and comes from the Latin caedere & caesus. The first eight words on the list are derived from this root. The next groups of words are constructed with the Suffix CIDE which means to KILL. It developed from the Latin word meaning CUT, and thus both forms are treated together.

1. Incise : in CISE (in size’) v.

Cut into; as, incise an abscess or infection

2. Concise : con CISE (kon sise’) adj.

Cut short; all non-essentials cut off

3. Circumcise : circum CISE (sir’ kum size) v.

To cut around

4. Caesura : CAES ura (se zhur’ a) n.

A cut or break in line of verse

5. Decide : de CIDE (de side’) v.

To cut off uncertainty; reach a decision

6. Decisive : de CIS ive (de sie’ siv) adj.

Causing one to reach a decision

7. Excision : ex CIS ion (ek sizh’ un) n.

The cutting out; removing of

8. Precise : pre CISE (pre sise’) adj.

Cut exactly right; cut with precision

9. Microbicide : microbe CIDE (mi kroe’ bi side) n.

An agent which kills microbes

10. Autocide : auto CIDE (au’ to side) n.

The killing of self and others in an automotive vehicle

11. Fratricide : fratri CIDE (fra; tri side) n.

The killing of one’s brother

12. Homicide : homi CIDE (hom’ i side) n.

The killing of a human being

13. Genocide : geno CIDE (jen’ o side) n.

The killing of a race of people

14. Infanticide : infanti CIDE (in fant’ i side) n.

The killing of one’s infant

15. Patricide : patri CIDE (pa’ tri side) n.

The killing of one’s father

16. Suicide : sui CIDE (Sue’ i side) n.

The killing of oneself

17. Matricide : matri CIDE (ma’ tri side) n.

The killing of one’s mother

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