This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix CATA which means DOWN, just the opposite of ANA-up. You will find quite a few scientific words in the list and you will feel very much advanced to have them in your vocabulary. And, indeed, you are advanced to know the ROOTS: CATA and ANA.
1. Catabasis : CATA basis (ka tab’ a sis) n.
A going down; decline in health
2. Catachresis : CATA chresis (kat a kree’ sis) n.
A misuse of words; mixed metaphor
3. Cataclysm : CATA clysm (kat’ a kliz m) n.
A downward sweep of water; flood; disaster
4. Cataclysmic : CATA clysmic (kat a kliz’ mik) adj.
In the nature of a cataclysm
5. Catacomb : CATA comb (kat’ a kome) n.
Underground burial place
6. Catafalque : CATA falque (kat; a falk) n.
A raised platform for the coffin of on deceased
7. Catagenesis : CATA genesis (kat a jen’ e sis) n.
Evolution going back, and not forward
8. Catalyst : CATA lyst (kat’ a list) n.
A combination which starts a reaction
9. Cataract : CATA ract (kat’ a rakt) n.
A large waterfall; a clouding of the lens of the eye
10. Catakinesis : CATA kinesis (kat a ki nee’ sis) n.
A state when energy is down
11. Catalepsy : CATA lepsy (kat’ al ep sy) n.
A nervous disorder which keeps limbs rigid
12. Catalogue : CATA logue (kat; a log) n.
Lists of names set down; registered
13. Catapult : CATA pult (kat’ a pult) n.
An ancient apparatus for hurling stones
14. Catasta : CATA sta (ka tas’ ta) n.
Platform on which slaves were shown for sale
15. Catastasis : CATA stasis (ka tas’ ta sis) n.
Climax in a drama
16. Catastrophe : CATA strophe (ka tas’ tro fee) n.
A moment of tragedy
17. Catatonia : CATA tonia (kat a to’ nee a) n.
A severe type of mental disorder
18. Catarrh : CATA rrh (ka tar’) n.
Inflammation of the mucous membrane
19. Catastrophic : CATA strophic (kat a strof’ ik) adj.
In the nature of a great disaster
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