Biological Determinism :
1. According to the author of the article "All in the Genes?", there
is no intrinsic causality between genetics and intelligence. The author
analyses different aspects of biological determinism, and supplies many
examples, which illustrate aspects of this problem that are being
discussed since the time when these ideas became popular. He does not
agree with biological determinist that the intellectual performance of
a person depends on genes inherited from his parents. There are a lot of
different theories about intellectual capabilities. All these theories
reflect different points of views, depending on the period of time the
authors of these theories lived.
The author argues for the theory that in the nineteenth century ,
artificial barriers in social hierarchy prevented people from achieving
higher intellectual performance. In the end of XX century, in most places
these barriers were removed by the democratic processes, and nothing
artificial can stand between the natural sorting process and social
status of the people. These changes cannot be considered as historical
because the age of democracy is just two hundred years , and the time
when inequality between classes and between people was a natural
situation is almost as long as the history of the world.
The author insists that there is no connection between
environmental differences and genetics. In support of his idea the author
state that any Canadian student can perform better in mathematics than
some ancient professors of mathematics. The author comes to the
conclusion that changes in a cultural environment are the main factor
that determines level of intellectual performance, not inherited
combination of parent's genes . He argues that genetic differences
that appear in one environment may easily disappear in another. A theory
that twins were raised in different social conditions will have the
same level of intellectual performance because identical genetics
constitution was used by the ideologist of biological determinism. The
author rejects this theory because from his point of view, all these
cases cannot be considered as always reliable on a close look, in most
cases, twins were raised by the members of the same family or in other
words, not in a diametrical opposite level of society. The author
believes that there is no convincing measure of the role of genes in
influencing human behavioral variation.
During the argumentation of questions of biological determinism,
the author supports his idea with numerous examples. He gives examples of
supporters of bio determinism and outlines that these examples are not
reliable. One of the fallacies of biological determinism is the result of
IQ testing. According to some scientist only 20% of performance depend on
environment and other 80% depend on genetic variations. The author state
that this is completely fallacious because there is no connection
between the variation that can be ascribed as genetic differences and
whether an IQ performance was affected by environment and by how much.
IQ measures little more than a person' s ability to take a test. Scores
increase dramatically as a person is trained or familiarised with a test.
It means that an IQ level does not depend on the intellectual abilities
of parents but on the manner of studying and preparation that can be
considered as environmental changes.
For the author, there is a casual relationship between genetic and
environmental differences. He gives us an example of a fruitflies with
more bristles under the wing on the left side than on the right side. He
says that these differences are caused by random chances of cell during
growth and development and that every organism is a unique combination of
genes and environmental random chances. Another fallacy can be
illustrated by the statement provided by the author, which is built on
the ideology of biological determinism: ". . . if most of the variation
in, say, intelligence among individuals is a consequence of variation
among their genes, then manipulating the environment will not make much
differences". The author argues that the proportion of variation in
genes is not fixed properly, but one that varies from environment to
environment. So, the author of the article provides many examples and
rejects the fact that the intelligence is only affected by genes.
2. We can characterizes the ideology of biological determinism as an
explanation of social, cultural and physical inadequacy among people
based on their inborn biological differences, which are passed along from
parents to children. Scientists who support the theory of biological
determinism insist that all people differ in their fundamental abilities
because of some innate differences, such as genetic constitution. This
ideology of genetic inequality states that there is a bridge between
racial genetic constitution and the size of the brain. Many scientists
believe that the evaluations of people's brain sizes correspond to a
person's intellectual ability. Samples of skulls from around the world
confirmed Western European supremacy. The "scientists" in pursuit of
studies such as biological determinism always failed to clarify how
typical these skulls were of their respective populations. Simple
selection of skulls easily biased results, without a scientist
necessarily realising his own subjectivity. The theory of biological
determinism appeared primarily to legitimate forms of social inadequacy
and control. Such ideas were the product of industrial revolution, as
well as cultural and ideological.
Some ideologies of biological determinism assert that sophisticated
behaviour is not taught, but develops automatically. There is a
difference between mankind and animal's behaviour. For example, child
learns how to speak his first words under the influence of the parents
or relatives, but a child who is raised in an isolated environment
cannot communicate in a normal way. We can conclude from this example
that a child begins to speak not because of genetic variations of his or
her parents, but because of the environment he is located in. History
knows the cases when a child was raised among animals, but his human's
inherited genetic constitution did not influence his intellectual
The fact that so many oriental children do well seems to be more
of a nurture/environmental reason rather than a nature/genetic reason.
Their parents may have come from villages with little or no chance of an
education. When they migrate to the West, many, as a result of conflict
such as the Vietnam war, brought their ideologies with them. But they may
not have the higher intelligence as an innate ability, so therefore
neither would their children. This is an example to show that in some
cases nature can affect the way nurture rules your life, and it is
completely controverts the ideology of biological determinism.
Another author's example that contradicts the theory of
biological determinism is Wilson's disease, which causes suffering
from inability of detoxify to cooper, which is an example of a genetic
disorder. A few centuries ago people with such behaviour could not be
considered fully functional. However, because of achievements of modern
medicine, a treatment for these genetic disorders was found, and just by
taking a pill, such a genetic disorder can be eliminated. Today we do
not accept people with genetic inability because these people are
different from us, but tomorrow they will be full members of our
3. From my point of view, biological determinism does not have a
direct bridge to social inequality and political control. In my opinion,
intelligence is shaped by a mixture of genes and environmental influence.
The question, is whether all people have approximately the same capacity
to think and to work. But it is not appropriate question to ask. The
question should be, whether all people are motivated by the same things?
Given the cases consider, the answer is "no". This is an important
distinction. Every one of us has different surroundings which in one way
or another shapes our perceptions of social reality. Rules of the
society where we live can tell each of us to act a given way in certain
situations. Our nature is our genetic endowment. It determines our basic
physical appearance: our hair and eye colour, etc. It determines the
types of emotions and motivations we can experience. We have different
inner responses to different environments. However, our genes depend on
the environment to fill in the missing details. So, if we are
genetically predisposed to become agitated in a crowded setting, but we
never experience such an environment, we will not have this genetic
behaviour. We cannot tell whether that people in our society are distinct
from each other because of those unexpressed innate differences. No two
people are motivated by the same experience; that's why we are so
different. There is no doubt that our achievements in a society are
predominated by our own contribution to any business and how much effort
we put to it. It requires 100 % contribution in order to achieve the
deserved result. In every layer of society we can encounter cases when
individuals are raised above the average because of the level of their
intellectual ability, but not because their parents were rich and
One historical example that contradicts the theory of biological
determinism is a the world famous scientist Albert Einstein. Jewish
immigrant from Germany, he was not rich, his parents were not
professors or politicians. Because of his significant intellectual power,
he became famous all around the world. And even after his death, his
brain was taken by a scientist who tried to figure out what was the
difference between him and the rest of us. Nothing unusual in his brain
was found. This specific example contradicts the theory of biological
determinism. Einstein's innate capacities were not transmitted from
generation to generation biologically. Thus is his efforts made him
famous and acceptable through the world. Thus is his contribution to
science could give him a control and a power, if he desired it.
Yes, Einstein was in some way different from others. What can it
be? If we assume that all individuals were raised in the same
environmental condition, such as family, school and neighbourhood, than
the differences between them and others can be explained by the genetic
constitution, but it still does not mean that this genetic constitution
was 100% inherited from their parents. From my point of view, these
genetic differences can be explained only by the random combination of
genes. I think it cannot be explained by any logical way or by genetic
science but only as a result of play of nature . The best proof of this
idea can be that after all of successes in the field of genetic science,
there is still no any remedies that can let to produce smart children.
Another example that contradicts a theory of biological determinism, that
we do not live by our natural, instinctual, primitive way because we do
not live, as primitive animals do in nature. Civilization is a subversion
of nature.
In a global contest there is a huge amount of examples when people whose
parents did not have any money or power, achieved the higher level of
power. For example Napoleon, a son of the ordinary people, citizen of
Corsica, just with the help of his intellectual power he became the first
person in the France. He did not inherit any imperious qualities from his
parents, but he manages to become an imperator. We can say that his
existence causes the death and starvation of millions people during the
wars that he had. What can be the best proof of the power when person's
desire for control decides for people to die or to live?
History knows an example where it is not innate abilities bring
people to the power and control. A monster of the 20th century came to
the power that responsible for the World War II. Anything is known about
Hitler's sadistic behaviour or harmful acts in his childhood. Hitler's
hate came from the fact that he was an outsider who did not belong
anywhere, who never found a safe and secure place in a society. The
environment he lived in, the unfairness of German society, the crisis in
his family made him mad and furious This is an influence of a society
made him a bloody criminal of the 20th century. Hitler's remarkable
power as a speaker and the will to the revenge made him a very good
orator that helped him to lead the masses. Hitler and Napoleon had inner
responses in different ways to different environment. No one can assume
that a hunger for a domination and an authority came to them with their
mothers' blood. Therefore, there is no bridge between biological
determinism of innate capacities and a desire of people with a power to
invade and kill the innocent population. Our genes encode only what they
need to, to conserve genetic material. The rest of the detail is left for
the environment to fill in.
4. For thousands of years humans ask the question of their "human"
nature. They have attempted to find themselves in relation to the animal
The quest for knowledge is universal in Frankenstein: It is well-known
that the scientific revolution of 17th centuries initiated a profound
intellectual upheaval in western thought that replaced the philosophical
universe of Aristotle and the Middle Ages with the new infinitely and
mechanistic universe of Copernican astronomy and Galilean-Newtonian
physics. And this new mechanistic universe dominated western thought
until the early years of the 20th century-shaping almost all aspects of
the further development of western culture and setting the stage, for
the revolutionary scientific developments of the present century.
The scientific revolution that resulted in the new mechanistic universe
of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton also resulted in an equally profound
upheaval in the development of western medicine. In Science and
Literature in the Nineteenth Century Mary Shelley's theme of
scientific interference with the fundamental mysteries of life makes
Frankenstein the prototype of numerous works of science fiction. She
creates the typical representative of her time. Frankenstein is a great
medical scholar, exaggeration of Shelley's simple student. A
"Frankenstein Effect," the suite of moral and ethical problems
encountered when man tries to improve our nature.
The monster, being a sort of matter duplication of Victor, has a
physical and psychic link with his creator. If the monster is wounded,
Victor also gets the same wound.
This transforms the story from its usual allegory of the relationship of
God and Man to one of the two sides of a single person's personality.
I do think that Frankenstein's monster can be considered as a product of
theory of biological determinism. Biological determinism states that
intellectual abilities are enclosed in us by genes inherited from
The main idea of Victor Frankenstein, was a creation of some kind of
machine or robot, which, like we assume, does not have any genes
background and therefore, according to the theory of biological
determinism, does not have any intellectual future. Despite this
assumption, a monster begins to show the sign of the intellect, he tries
to get knowledge and it means that something going on with him. This
something changes his intellectual structure, shifting him from the
animal state to the human being. If we follow the ideas of biological
determinism, it should be nonsense: Monster does not have any
intellectual background. He does not even have parents.
But in fact, happened something opposite, according to the book, the
monster very much wants to stimulate his intellect and has a great desire
for knowledge. He eagerly listens the humans' discussion and teachings
and he revels in finding some books: ''The possession of these treasures
gave me extreme delight; I now continually studied and exercised my mind
upon these histories. Just like his creator at the beginning of the
narrative, he is thirsty for knowledge and reads everything that he can
lay his hands on.
The artificial man is put in a number of situations where one would
expect a human being to react in one way and a machine or construct in
another . The monster that Frankenstein creates has all of human society
against him from the start. Wee see Shelly's intentions to show that
monster and his behaviour reflect the image of our society, where humans
are not very kind to each other and not to mention how they treat
somebody who is not human or looks repulsive. The monster or the people
that he tries to be friend with and who consistently refuse his offers of
friendship on the basis of his appearance. We see the author's
intentions to show comparisons between the monster and other people.
She illustrates the presence of human's characteristics that are
traditionally thought to be defining characteristics for a monster.
The monster did very human thing when he risked his own life and
saved a young girl who has fallen into a rapid river. We see than a
monster has very negative impression about a society he meets, but
despite of that, he has very good intentions to contact a human race.
However, the influence of a society makes him depressed and dissatisfied
with his life situation. "The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I
had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and
gnashing of teeth. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance
to all mankind.'' Having come this far, one might be forgiven for
wondering which is the most ''human'' the monster or the people that he
tries to be friend and who consistently refuse his offers of friendship
solely on the basis of his appearance. Therefore, from author's
intentions and Frankenstein motivations we can tell that the monster is a
by-product of the theory of biological determinism.
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