An Argument for the Legalization of Drugs :
The question of whether or not to legalize certain drugs has been
debated for decades. Although opponents have thus far been successful in
preventing this, there are nonetheless a substantial number of people who
believe that legalization should be given a chance. Their arguments
range from the seeming ineffectiveness of current drug laws to the
simple premise that the government has no right to prohibit its citizens
from using drugs if they choose to do so. This essay will address the
issue from the standpoint of John Stuart Mills' "Revised Harm
Principle²," which asserts that people should be free to do what they
want unless they threaten the vital interests (i.e., security or
autonomy) of others.
Using Mills' principle as a litmus test for this issue leads one to
come down on the side of legalization. Since Mills is concerned not with
individual rights, but with the consequences of one's actions on other
people, the question becomes: Is drug use an action that, although
performed by an individual, threatens the vital interests of others?
Using the example of a casual, responsible drug user who is a
contributing (or non-detracting) member of society, it is clear that more
harm is done to others if the user must resort to illegal methods to
obtain his drugs. The very act of buying drugs is intrinsically illegal
and carries the threat of establishing a criminal record for the buyer.
This can have a devastating effect on his family, his lifestyle, and his
career. The effects on society as a whole include more crowded jail
cells (prompting politicians to demand more jails be built), higher taxes
to support these jails, and the loss, or at least diminution, of a
productive citizen. In order to buy drugs illegally, the user may be
forced to expose himself to the fringes of the criminal world--something
he would never do under any other circumstances. If drugs were
legalized, the criminal stigma would be removed from their purchase,
possession, and use. The government would collect taxes on drug sales
and, conversely, would not be spending millions of dollars to stem the
flow of illegal drugs. This increase in tax dollars could be put to use
in drug education and treatment programs for those individuals who are
unable to moderate their intake and subsequently become addicts. Then
the government would be intervening with its citizens' lives in a
benevolent manner (and only when asked) rather than in a forceful,
punitive way.
Many opponents to legalization point out that drug use leads to
spousal and child abuse, random criminal acts precipitated by the effects
of drugs on a user's inhibitions, and crimes committed to support drug
habits. This argument is fundamentally defective because it addresses
the abuse of drugs, which is not the issue here. When an individual's
use of drugs leads him to harm others, it becomes a behavioral problem.
That is, the issue is no longer drugs, but the behavior of the
individual. If that behavior breaks a law, the individual should be
punished for that specific conduct--not for drug use. In its pure form,
drug use affects only the user, and the government is therefore acting
paternally when it regulates this behavior. This government regulation
violates Mills' "Revised Harm Principle²" as blatantly as would
regulations against sunbathing or overeating or masturbation.
A Rebuttal
When using John Stuart Mills' "Revised Harm Principle²" to argue
for the legalization of drugs, it is necessary to examine that principle
(that people should be free to do what they want unless they threaten the
vital interests, i.e., security or autonomy, of others) and define its
terms. Proponents of legalization argue that drug use is a selfregarding
act and has no effect on anyone other than the user. But drug
use affects every aspect of society: it affects the security of
nonusers, and it affects the autonomy of the user.
If drugs were made legal and easily obtainable in this country, the
government would be relinquishing its role as protector of those citizens
who are unable to control their excesses. These people surrender their
autonomy to drug addiction, thus "selling" themselves into a type of
slavery. It is true that the decriminalization of drugs would remove
much of the stigma associated with them, but this would not be a positive
change. It is that stigma that keeps many law-abiding citizens from
using illegal drugs, and thus keeps the number of addicts at a minimum.
Also, if drugs were legalized, the government would not be legally able
to force addicts into treatment programs, and the number of addicts would
grow exponentially.
This scenario leads to the problem of security, both economic and
personal, for the vast number of Americans who probably would not become
addicted to drugs if they were legalized. Drug use would become as
prolific as alcohol consumption, and the number of societal and healthrelated
problems would be as numerous as those associated with alcohol.
More working days would be lost by people unable to control their drug
habits, and insurance costs would soar in order to cover expensive
treatment required to rehabilitate addicts and to deal with the health
problems caused by addiction. These consequences would have a direct
effect on people other than the drug users, thus negating the concept
that drug use is a self-regarding act.
Regarding personal security, legalization advocates try to draw a
line between drug use and drug abuse. As it is impossible to predict who
would use drugs "responsibly" and who would succumb to addiction, the
government has a right and a duty to do everything in its powers to limit
the availability of harmful substances, even though the majority of its
citizens might never make the transition from use to abuse.
Proponents of legalization maintain that legalizing drugs would
remove government control from a private area of our lives. This is a
faulty assumption because the government's role would only shift, not
disappear. There would be taxes, quality control, and distribution
issues to deal with, and the government would be at the helm. Therefore,
Mills' Principle would still be "violated," and the country would have a
slew of new problems to deal with due to the availability of legal drugs
and lack of recourse with which to address them.
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