An apology for :
An apology for
A very poor example of
1998 - Imogen de la Bere - The Last Deception of Palliser Wentwood - It's an apology for a bridge built of left-over stones.
With apologies to
Used before the name of an author or artist to indicate that something is a parody or adaptation of their work.
2001 - This Old House - With apologies to Robert Frost, boundary expert Walter Robillard says, 'Good fences on the proper line make good neighbours'.
Appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober
Ask someone to reconsider with the suggestion that an earlier opinion or decision represented only a passing mood.
This phrase comes from an anecdote told by the Roman historian and moralist Valerius Maximus concerning an unjust judgement given by King Philip of Macedon : the woman condemned by Philip declared that she would appeal to him once again, but this time when he was sober.
Appeal to Caesar
Appeal to the highest possible authority.
The allusion is to the claim made by the apostle Paul to have his case heard in Rome which was his right as a Roman citizen : I appeal unto Caesar (Acts 25 : 11).
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